Corona Devo 191
Please do not forget that we are "sent". We are not here on earth to be self-focused and absorbed bumps-on-a-log. We were each born with a purpose and we were created by a purposeful Creator to spread the Word about how great God is! He changes lives. He changes moods. He changes families and He changes individuals. If He has changed you, then God has a message for us: 5 Jesus sent out the...apostles with these instructions:... 6 " but (go) only to...God’s lost sheep. ~Matthew 10:5-6 Please don't get tripped up by the word "apostles". That means us. No, seriously, it does. The twelve that Jesus was addressing in this speech were his hand-selected apostles, or disciples, but they were our predecessors. Our "big brothers in the faith", if you will, and just as Jesus commissioned them to get out and pound the pavement for Him, He has hand-selected us to share the exact same message. When Jesus says "...