
Showing posts from August, 2023

Corona Devo 1278

Whooo-Weee!   Is it getting warm in here?  I was just reading a couple romantic chapters in my favorite book, and sheesh , it got dicey.   The man in love...he compliments his lady in poetry and symbolism and sensuality. The woman in love...she compliments her man with words of respect, images of strength and comparisons to nature.   They were in love , and they weren't afraid to write about it. What's that, you say?  Talking about such love is not appropriate?  Too sassy?  Too sexy?  Possibly bordering on immoral?   I might tend to think so too, but it all depends on the context and the author. God is very clear and purposeful in the Bible to teach us that He created love , (He loves us unconditionally and tells us to pattern our love for others after His for us.)  And while there are different relational-categories of love, the one within marriage is sacred, ordained-by-God, and nothing to be ashamed of.   And ...

Corona Devo 1277

There is a sign in the office at our campground that shares a quote by Max Lucado: "What if you woke up this morning and had only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"   It's a sobering question, isn't it?   Not only do we rarely thank God for the many, the miniscule, and the mundane things that He blesses us with each day, but we also get gratitude mixed-up with the attitude that His blessing depends  on us.    We serve, we tithe, we give, or we try...and we contort our efforts into a "gift" that we are giving God.  But much of the time it's a forced-effort with a have-to heart.   And God has no complaint about our sacrifices that we offer, if we are able to spiritually present them to Him with the right heart.  But, His "beef" comes in response to our misconstrued boast that He (the Lord of the universe) "needs" what we're offering. He doesn't. “O my people, listen as I speak.   Here are my charges against you, O Is...

Corona Devo 1276

Not too long ago, we visited some friends and wow , do they live in a splendid home.  We'd been there years ago, but wow, this time their house and grounds were ever more splendid. I came home desiring a cleaning lady, and our kids came home desiring a golf cart and a turf soccer field complete with goals.   We want to live like them! But be careful... We might not want to die  like them.   ~~~ The Bible cautions us not to get caught up in  wealth  and to  boast of great riches .   But that's so hard!  We see an item, a home, a car, an outfit, a vacation, a _____ that someone else has:  and we want it.   But, (God says), that flash won't last.  That money can't go with us when we die, and if we are not careful, that love-of-money will become our god here on earth, and riches and the lust for them will mess-up our destination when we die. So... listen !  And  pay attention  to what God is tell...

Corona Devo 1275

I remember being in grade school and standing before a bakery window, reading a sign that I couldn't discern and asking my dad, "What's 'koo-chen' (kuchen)?" Our family has always enjoyed sweets, but this was one that I didn't know. Until my dad said, "Kuu-Ken.  You know what kuchen is."   And indeed I did.  My mom's favorite was raspberry (Entenmann's), and it was in our grocery cart most weeks.  We called it raspberry kuu-ken, but I never knew that it was spelled "kuchen" until somebody taught me. Fast forward forty years and our plum tree in the front yard just produced a ton  of plums.  But what to do  with them(?), I wondered to my husband.   "Well, my granny always made plum kuchen."   There it was again--kuchen.  Turns out kuchen (German for "cake") goes way back on my husband's side too.   So, I asked my mother-in-law to help me with their family recipe, and she lovingly taught me the steps and pr...

Corona Devo 1274

Ouch!  I am being prodded .  I know  that God is using His Word (the Bible) and His people to drive me in His direction and for His glory.   But it's painful .   And.. .it's helpful --if our desire is to become more like our Savior. The words of the wise are like cattle prods—painful but helpful. Their collected sayings are like a nail-studded stick with which a shepherd  drives the sheep.   ~Ecclesiastes 12:11 Lord, You prod  us, and we need it.  Our plans...our today...our lives-- are not ours...but Yours.  Let us--let YOU today.  You are moving in our lives.  You are prodding and driving  us to realize that You have a plan and we are not at the center of it--You are.  Thank you for your wise words  and for driving us closer to You...for Your glory.  Amen. ~~~ The closest I get to understanding this idea is as a parent.  We do our best to invest in our children by following the words of the ...

Corona Devo 1273

Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.  ~Ecclesiastes 11:6 Taking (Kingdom) advantage of back-to-school-season, our school district Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS) kids took the initiative to host an FCS table during four recent (student/parent) Open Houses.  They handed out flyer invitations, candy, Bibles, and smiles to students and parents, letting them know that a Christian club welcomes them this year at their school.   Just having the opportunity to be present  in God's name in public schools is a privilege that we should never take for granted.  And beyond that, these kids planted  seeds : at some events...many, at others...few, but God will handle the harvest. Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.  ~Ecclesiastes 11:6 At one of...