Corona Devo 1273
Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. ~Ecclesiastes 11:6
Taking (Kingdom) advantage of back-to-school-season, our school district Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS) kids took the initiative to host an FCS table during four recent (student/parent) Open Houses. They handed out flyer invitations, candy, Bibles, and smiles to students and parents, letting them know that a Christian club welcomes them this year at their school.
Just having the opportunity to be present in God's name in public schools is a privilege that we should never take for granted. And beyond that, these kids planted seeds: at some events...many, at others...few, but God will handle the harvest.
Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. ~Ecclesiastes 11:6
At one of the open houses, flyers flew off the table, and the girls working the table "worked" the hallways too, searching for people who might have "missed" their table and cheerfully handing them an invite to take home. Many seeds were strewn that night.
At one of the other high school open houses, fewer flyers flew, but early in the evening one boy milled around the table and then engaged our (FCS) boys standing there.
"Are you guys confirmed, then?", he asked.
Standing at a distance, I held my breath. Their first question of the night seemed difficult.
"Well, my church handles 'confirmation' a little differently", one of the (non-denominational) FCS boys replied to him.
"Oh, no big deal, I was just trying to make conversation", said the new boy. "So when do you meet? I'd like to come".
I exhaled happily as a new friendship hatched and the door for Christian fellowship and Gospel-teaching swung wide open.
One seed was planted...and that young man came back to the table two other times during the evening.
Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. ~Ecclesiastes 11:6
Often we seek the crowds, or aspire to influence the multitudes for Jesus Christ...and we should. We absolutely should feel compelled and called to go and make disciples of every nation (Matthew 28:19), but never forget the power of one.
One authentic conversation with someone who realizes that we care about them.
One heart to heart where Truth is spoken instead of cultural lies (that end up breaking hearts, shattering dreams, and ruining lives).
One smile in the classroom, at work, or on the field that opens the door to friendship, kindness, and hope for someone receiving that smile.
Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both. ~Ecclesiastes 11:6
But, by all (Godly) means...may we (also) go-for-the-gusto with groups in terms of influencing them for Christ! Let's get bold in sharing our experiences with how we have seen God in our lives (this is our testimony!).
Who do we spend time with? Then let's spend some time sharing our faith with them!
If we have the opportunity or can make the opportunity to get in front of multiples or multitudes to share a prayer, share our faith, or share the Good News of God's love...then let's!
Keep planting your seed in the morning...and all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
Both? As in big and small groups? It can happen, and it does.
At a recent soccer game, I met up with parents who have a daughter in our daughter's grade, and she started attending FCS weekly last year after school. Or--"God Club", as they said their daughter calls it.
She can call it whatever she wants, because it's having a spiritual effect on her (Praise the Lord!). The dad told me that a few weeks ago he was staying the night in a hotel with his daughter for a travel game, and when they got into the room she said, " have to listen to this...", and then she pulled out a tiny Bible (that she received at God Club) and began reading to him from the book of 2 Timothy.
2 Timothy! What twelve-year old stops her dad to share Scripture with him? Maybe one that has had a seed planted. Perhaps at church (I don't know if they go to one), perhaps through a Christian radio station or website, or perhaps through a God Club after school.
Keep planting your seed in the morning...and all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
Keep planting seeds! One on one. In groups. In the morning and all afternoon. And God will handle the harvest.
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