Corona Devo 76
Has the Lord given you the green light to move forward with something in your life, but your foot is still firmly planted on the brake? I have a situation (maybe you do too), and I want to be excited about it, and I have sensed the Lord's go-ahead on it, but inside my head there is a mini battle waging. I am not even sure why, but I want to talk myself out of moving forward. I want to worry about tangent issues regarding it that probably won't ever occur. I see the blessings surrounding the situation, but parts of me keep fighting it. Why? I can't figure that part out, either. Why am I preventing myself from running toward something good? Maybe sometimes that is our human nature--to "reason" ourselves out of blessing, or to worry ourselves out of it. The same thing happened to the Israelites and they hemmed and hawed themselves into a 40-year detour around the Promised Land because of worry, insecurity and if we boil it all down--because of a lack of t...