Corona Devo 73

Thank you for "doing good".  
Even though this Corona season has changed our lives in many ways, I am so encouraged to see that it has also grown our hearts.  

I know that we were nice people before becoming house-bound, but kind outreaches that I have witnessed since the quarantine began have warmed my heart, and they highlight who we are in Christ, and how we can use our unique gifts to love others during an unknown time.

Do not grow weary in doing good, for at just the right time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.  ~Galatians 6:9

Don't grow weary: I saw you helping that friend from high school move because his wife took the kids and left him until he gets cleaned up.  He needed a friend and not judgement and you showed up to carry boxes and to live out Christ instead of preaching it to him.

Don't grow weary: I saw you run to the store again for that elderly neighbor/church member/parent that "needs" a new item almost daily.  The truth is, they love having contact with anyone during this time, and you always answer the phone and show up for them. 

Don't grow weary: I read the note/email that you sent to that teacher.  The schooling at home has been a difficult adjustment for the students (and parents!), but you realized all of the time/organization/new-program-learning and patience that these teachers have put in for our kids to continue succeeding.  Your note/email meant the world to them and gave them a sense of appreciation and renewed purpose. 

Don't grow weary: I saw you share a plate of tonight's supper with the widower across the street.  His wife has been gone a couple of years but the loneliness in his eyes seems a little deeper during the Corona isolation.  That made his night.

Don't grow weary: I adored how you took your kids to the nursing home to sing and dance for some of their residents through the window.  We can't visit bedside right now but the children made their entire day.

Don't grow weary: I know that you didn't need any more children in your house on a rainy day, but it was so kind of you to babysit for that friend who had to work.  Her kids have been home alone a lot and no good comes of that.  That was love put into action.

Don't grow weary: I saw the look of relief, humility and gratitude when they opened that card and received the money you sent.  To say things are "tight" for them is an understatement, and they needed the help and love that you put in that envelope.

Don't grow weary: "That bouquet lasted forever!", she said when she called to thank you.  The elderly are a bit scared and sometimes confused about what is happening in the world today and the limits it has put on them (aren't we all?).  Those flowers you had delivered were gorgeous and not only brightened their day, but their spirits and their outlook too.    

Do not grow weary in doing good, for at just the right time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.  ~Galatians 6:9

Keep up the good work of doing good.  It feels good to love others, and the Lord puts ideas in our hearts and minds to love others.  Keep listening and doing. 
They might thank you, or you may never hear a word, but God promises us a harvest if you do not give up.

Do not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9).
You are making a difference. 



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