
Corona Devo 255

W hich would you choose if given the choice: silver, gold, or rubies? It’s a difficult, decision, isn’t it?   They all look beautiful around a neck or in a safety deposit box… What if you could have all three?   No, wait—what if you could gain more than the value of silver, gold and rubies? Would you think that I am crazy for saying that wisdom makes us that proposition?   The objects of silver, gold and rubies might sound more enticing and valuable to hold in our hand, but when I think about it (and God wants us to), the weight of wisdom’s benefits easily outweighs silver, gold and rubies, no matter how much they are worth per ounce on any given day.   Over the years, we’ve held many enticing and valuable things, people, opportunities and decisions in our hands, but looking back over my life, there are so many that I would trade in an instant to go back and switch them with wisdom . Wisdom prevents regret.   Wisdom encourages thinking-it-through...

Corona Devo 254

Over the years, traditions change and customs are altered but even if how-we-tell-the-story  gets updated, the Story of God (and preparing our hearts and lives for Him) never changes.  In the parable below, there are 10 bridesmaids/virgins that are waiting for the bridegroom to come, so that they can join the party.  But on this night the bridegroom was running late, and it put the preparedness of the bridesmaids to the test.   The parable depicts us  and challenges the condition of our hearts and our readiness for Jesus.  25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.  6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘...

Corona Devo 253

Make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth. ~John 17:17 God is calling us to march many avenues in His name today, but our first steps are critical and will be outcome-deciding, and they must be steps into God's  words of truth.  Only by seeking God's direction, can we proceed and know that we are seeking His will, and not our own.  Lord, we humble ourselves and our motives before You, and we boldly declare our whole-hearted desire to serve and glorify you with our efforts today.   God and His Word have to go first.  Then we follow. Did you know that God parted more than one body of water?  It wasn't just the Red Sea with Moses, He also made the waters of the Jordan River  be cut off and stand up in a heap (Joshua 3:13) when Joshua led th e Israelites, who were still on their way to the Promised Land (but getting closer!). We too are (still) on our own life's journey to God's Promised Land (in Heaven), and each day we get cl...

Corona Devo 252

It all just feels like too much.   The crazy thing is, for most of us, the "too much" is not even physical.  It is not as if we are in a work-camp, being beaten and starved.  It's not as if we are drifting alone on a shard of wood in the middle of the ocean, trying to stay afloat and getting sun-scorched.   Or is it? The battle today is not physical (for most of us).  It is mental.  It is emotional.  And you better believe that it is spiritual.   On these (mental, emotional, and spiritual) battlegrounds, we are being beaten down each day, sometimes into a condition where we cannot even move, from the mental exhaustion or emotional depression.  We are  drifting alone in the oceans of the world.  It feels like no one can reach us to save us, or worse: that no one even cares to. But that is not true.  Let me phrase it differently: That is not Truth .  The Bible is God's Word, and it provides Truth to our hearts...

Corona Devo 251

Do you not say, ‘Four months more, then comes the harvest’? But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting. ~John 4:35 It's time.   Do you feel it in your heart and rumbling in your spirit? Do you hear it in your head and in conversations and in circles around you? Do you sense  it from God's Word, from God's people, and from the Holy Spirit moving  through both? God is moving across this Nation, and people are waking up to His voice for the first time in a long time. It's about time. For too long we have "played the part" and "talked the talk", but not "walked the Walk".  It's time. For years we've habitually showed up for church, even Bible Studies and service events, but God wants more than our routine, He wants our hearts.  It's time. 23 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens,...

Corona Devo 250

Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. ~Psalm 27:14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What are we supposed to be doing today? It's very difficult to discern, and easy to feel as if what we do or think, or vote doesn't matter. We talk (and pray!) about our current confusion all the time--in our homes, over text, and online. To family, friends, and perfect strangers. But someone else wants to chat with us about our life and direction. We may be crying out, but are we crying out to the right One? 7  Hear me as I pray, O Lord.  Be merciful and answer me! 8  My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”    And my heart responds, Lord, I am coming.” ~Psalm 27:7-8 Has your heart heard God say “Come and talk with me” ? If not, slow down and listen more carefully. He is calling each of us. This is a quote directly from scripture, and the Lord speaks it to us today. We incorrectly seek counsel f...

Corona Devo 249

There, there.  It's going to be alright.   God knows just what we need to hear and when we need comforting.  Like now.   If today feels all uphill, and you've only just begun the day... He knows.   Today, now , take a pause to realize, remember, and absorb how special you are to God.   Today, step into some of the phrases and promises that God has spoken about us  for today.  Nevermind what your parents said, your boss says, your kids say, your brain-on-over-drive-chants.  Nevermind all of that.  What does God say about us? 3  Then Moses climbed the mountain to appear before God. The  Lord  called to him from the mountain and said, “Give these instructions to the family of Jacob; announce it to the descendants of Israel: (Exodus 19:3) Just a note to any of us who love Jesus-- we are in His family , which is the family of Jacob.  The day we accepted Jesus into our hearts, we were grafted into ...