
Corna Devo 1361

6:00 A.M. Lord, some of us have a full-calendar of troubles today.  Trouble-makers and belly-achers.  Mud-slingers and real hum-dingers.  We're in the weeds, and we're not entirely sure how we're going to get out .   Help? There are those (people/situations/diseases) that seem to thoroughly enjoy destroying and betraying others , and they have found us. We don't really have a card to play, or an ace-in-the-hole today.   But, we have You.  And we cry out to You, Lord.  We can't fix things or save the day, but we believe  that You can.   We hope in Your Hope.  We trust in your Trust.   We turn to You and Your Word and Your advice.   And we are comforted by what we find .   You know  what we are up against.  You know who they are and how they are.   What sorrow awaits you Assyrians, who have destroyed others  but have never been destroyed yourselves.   Yo...

Corona Devo 1360

The leaves have fallen from our trees.  The bare branches reveal that Winter is on its way, but a tree on our street revealed something else to me: a lot of hard work that had been going on for a long time without me (or perhaps anyone) knowing anything about it.  A big old wasp's nest hung high in the tree.   I read that it can take between four and six months  for a nest to be built, that is a lot of hard work happening very near to us  that we haven't a clue is going on.  But our awareness of it matters not to the wasps.  They stay focused and productive for their end goal...and they achieve it.  The proof of that is hanging in plain sight for anyone to see it now. What does God have us working on?  What's happening behind the scenes in our lives today?  ...and maybe yesterday, and possibly for the past four to six months... or longer ?   Have we been putting in a lot of (physical/emotional/mental/spiritual/praye...

Corona Devo 1359

Ever join a friend (or foe) on a teeter-totter?  One mate is planted on the ground (stable), while the other is thrust-up in the sky, dangling.  And then the ground-based person pushes up and away and the air-borne person crashes down to the ground to sit for a moment.   Then the groundling pushes-off and it starts all over again.  It's fun, but it's a lot of up-and-down. Our daily wrestling with living in the Spirit  and  getting tied up again in slavery to the law is the same up and down. When we are  living in the Spirit :  in-tune with Christ and the freedom/mood/spirit/awareness-of-serving-Him  and serving others in his Name--then we are living and  receiv ing by faith the righteousness God has promised to us.  I'm not sure if that is being "up" on the teeter-totter: flying free and high for the Lord, or being "grounded" and stable in Him on the ground--but  living in the Spirit is  the goal.  It's the best...

Corona Devo 1358

Would you join me in praying for "Megan"? She's gotten lost in this topsy-turvy world.  Her priorities are her own, instead of God's, and they are not even her own, they are manufactured and conjured priorities and mirages that a pagan culture or (worse) satan has planted in her heart, and she has been running very hard after the wrong things.  She has a public platform, and so she influences others along her lost way. But, (surprise), none of these false-truths, fake-gods, or self-care ideologies are fulfilling her. Would you join me in praying for "Megan"?  Where Megan not unfamiliar or foreign to me, and maybe you.  There was a time when I was  lost in this topsy-turvy world.  My priorities were my own, instead of God's, and they weren't even my own--they were manufactured and conjured priorities and mirages that a pagan culture or (worse) satan had planted in my heart.  There was a time when I was running very hard after the wrong things,...

Corona Devo 1357

Ever have one of those mornings when you Just.  Don't.  Want.  To.  Get.  Up. I had one of those mornings today.  The bed was so warm.  So comfy.  So cozy.  So quiet.  So peaceful.  There was a big temptation to rollover and stay there.  Big. But then my phone vibrated with an incoming text and a few (delightful, warm, cozy) minutes later another buzzy text-vibration shook my phone again.. "Who is texting in the 5 AM hour" , I wondered. Come to find was two of my Christ.  Two separate women with separate prayers and praises--up early and already getting-after-it in Jesus' Name.  Already establishing spiritual-community with other sisters-in-Christ, and already seeking God's face and His will and asking others to join in. Of all the things that are worth waking up for ...God is the best reason.   He's got (big!) plans for us today, but we will have to get out of the (comfy!) bed to ...

Corona Devo 1356

I got together with some friends yesterday, of them was gone.  Not dead, she had just moved away.  But--quickly, and without anyone telling me.  Not that I deserved to be informed, because I'm not in her family, or even  that close to her, but when she wasn't there, and everyone else was ...I felt things that I wasn't expecting:       Regret--Had I told her about God and His love for her during our last visit?        Shock-- She's not here ?  (She was always there.)        Sadness--I liked her, though many others did not.  She was quirky and a little bit odd, and she refused most of what I offered her when we would visit...but all the same, I had gotten to see and love her as a child of God.   And now she's gone. It was a positive (albeit jolting) spiritual wake-up call for me.  And maybe for you too.  Sometimes we lose someone to death, and sometimes we ...