Corona Devo 507
Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid or discouraged. Take all your fighting men and attack Ai, for I have given you the king of Ai, his people, his town, and his land. 2 You will destroy them as you destroyed Jericho and its king...Set an ambush behind the town.” ~Joshua 8:1-2 We cannot begin a mission, fight a battle, or possibly expect to triumph over an encounter if we have devised the battle plan by ourselves. God is our Supreme Commander. He alone ordains victory and defeat (and He provides lessons and teaching in both), but we must await (and seek) His plan of offense. Joshua had attempted an attack on this city once before and it failed. But that was because Joshua had moved forward in his own strength and thinking. God had not given him the go-ahead or an outline-for-attack. And when we enter situations led by our own will and we are not led by the Lord, we will meet defeat too. We recently enjoyed a gr...