Corona Devo 502

Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up.  ~I Corinthians 10:23 (ISV)

We flew home from vacation out of Las Vegas and while the bright lights, elaborately-themed hotels and talented shows are all larger-than-life and exciting, there is a palpable sense of sin and sadness that seeps from that city as well.  

As I mused about our short stay in Vegas, I saw it as a perfect parallel to the life-journey of the Christ follower.

It's not against the law to go to Las Vegas (even as a Christian), just as God doesn't forbid fun, joy or bounty anywhere in our lives.  In fact, He came to give it to us. (I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.  ~John 10:10). 

The truth is, I had a blast walking up and down "The Strip" of hotels, stores, casinos and restaurants, while drinking in the "culture" that is Las Vegas.  It is permissible to be there.  We are allowed.  But as with anything, too much can become way too much, and I think Las Vegas is a perfect physical example of this.  

Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up.  ~I Corinthians 10:23 (ISV)

Anything in excess can be detrimental.  And when we cheapen God's Laws and plans for us in any area, we cheapen our ability to reap His full rewards, which are for our greatest good.  He has wonderful plans for us, but too often we muddy them and foil them by serving ourselves and our flesh without restraint. 

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things edify.  ~I Corinthians 10:23 (MEV)

It is (apparently) not against the law to parade busy tourist-filled sidewalks while scantily clad in a tiny bikini-type sequined outfit with colorful feather plumes adorning your backside.  It is lawful, yes, but does it edify anyone?  

I think of the young man whose senses are heightened as he drinks in the skin and sexual exposure before him.  This woman on the street will not build up any relationship that he is in or will ever be in.  But she may confuse him and cheapen the understanding of a woman's body as God had intended him to understand and appreciate it.

I think of the happily married man or the contented aging widower--who know better and have been blessed with better, but the mirage of temptation dances before us and we can slip.  Our eyes can slip, our mind can wander and our hearts can "cheat" on all the things that God has provided to edify and build us up.  

You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.   ~I Corinthians 10:23 (NLT)

I think of the women flouncing their bodies and self-worth from tourist to tourist so that they might make a few bucks off of a photo opportunity.  My heart falls as I think of many others in this city and all cities who flounce far-more-coveted personal experiences beyond a photo pose as a way of making a living or to keep-on-dying night after night.

None of this is what God intended for us.  He doesn't forbid us from anything, but His Word and his 
Law" were given to us so that we might catch-a-glimpse and save-ourselves-the hurt from running wild with our desires/flesh/pressures-of-the-world.  The Lord knows the consequences/baggage/memories/shame that come from doing things that "are permissible" but are not beneficial to us.  We know the 
consequences/baggage/memories/shame that come from those things too.

Las Vegas is not the only place with colorful distractions that initially appear appealing but are actually distortments of the true outcome that God desires and has planned for us.  There is much sin in Vegas, but there is always a catalyst for what brings us to the choice of sin.

My heart ached for the many that I saw with deep loneliness, a lack-of-purpose, and most sadly--an unknown understanding of Jesus Christ and the love that God has for them.  When we don't know the love, acceptance and Godly discipline that God provides for our own good, then we lapse into things that are not beneficial.  That do not build up.  And that happens and those feelings affect everyone, not just those in Las Vegas. 

The whole experience stirs up "missionary" vibes in my soul.  What if people knew all of the "bright lights" and "exciting adventures" that the Lord has in store for them?  If you are a thrill-seeker, God is your guy.  There is no more exciting trip than latching on to Him and holding on for dear life while He sends you on earthly errands in His glorious Name

And if you are a "show person", God is ready to cast you in the performance of your life, and for the rest of your life.  There are no small parts, as every role that we play for God may have an eternal influence in bringing others in "the audience" closer to Him and to being in God's Heavenly cast.

And all cities need a kind-hearted and non-judgemental soul to welcome in those trying to attract the (wrong) attention with their colorfully-feathered plumes.  Who is screaming for attention today that we can stop and invest in?  Love on.  Build up.  They are desperately seeking, and if we have already met Jesus, the best-thing-that-ever-happened to us, why wouldn't we share His hope-filled and love/life-giving Message with seekers that we pass on our path today?

Looking at it one way, you could say, “Anything goes. Because of God’s immense generosity and grace, we don’t have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster.” But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well. ~I Corinthians 10:23 (MSG)




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