Corona Devo 558

We wouldn't have to think long to come up with a prideful person in our lives whom we might wish for God to "give what they deserve" (Psalm 94:2).

That's what we (so often) want, isn't it? For people that bother/hamper/contradict us to "get what they deserve".

But pride is a funny thing.

We want to demand retribution on everyone else, however we are very slow (even obstinate) to see the weeds of pride that can grow over our own hearts and intentions.

Upon first "read" of Psalm 94, many "others" can pop into our mind and heart. But feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit today to review ourselves as the targeted (and pride-filled) audience for whom it was written.

Psalm 94

1 O Lord, the God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, let your glorious justice shine forth!

2 Arise, O Judge of the earth.  Give the proud what they deserve.

3 How long, O Lord?  How long will the wicked be allowed to gloat?

4 How long will they speak with arrogance?  How long will these evil people boast?

5 They crush your people, Lord, hurting those you claim as your own...

7 “The Lord isn’t looking,” they say, “and besides, the God of Israel doesn’t care.”

~Psalm 94:1-5, 7

Pride is an addictive thing.  

We can identify it.  We can resolve not to go near it.  We can promise ourselves that we won't fall to it again this time.  

But we do.  

The thrill of power sweeps over us.  The dazzle of holding attention dizzies us.  The swell of popularity changes us.  

For example, I can walk into a group with tongue-in-check and my pride restrained, telling myself that it's not about me, and that "I might be the only Jesus" they meet today.  But then as conversations ensue and attention gathers, I often fall to myself.  I'm telling stories that don't need to be told and they are not about God's goodness, but mine.  I'm rising on a magic carpet of pride and it's an illusion.

O God...let your glorious justice shine forth! Arise, O Judge of the earth, and give us what we deserve. When our pride spins into gloating, arrogance, and boasting: we crush your people and hurt those you claim as your own. (Psalm 94:1-5). But You call us to more, Lord. Your Word is discipline (verse 12) and we require it today. We are joyful in receiving it because conviction brings change. Make us more like You, Father: devoid of pride and revering You instead of ourselves. Let us catch on (verse 8) to Who You are and who You have called us to be in You. Lord, make our hearts virtuous. Relieve our pride so that we might pursue You today. Amen.

Possibly reluctantly, but never without warning: there are always steps that clearly trace the path to pride consuming us.  Subtle steps, perhaps, but choices/actions/thoughts none-the-less that we consciously make that are not made in good conscience.  And God is not fooled.

8 Think again, you fools!  When will you finally catch on?

9 Is he deaf—the one who made your ears?  Is he blind—the one who formed your eyes?

10 ...He knows everything—doesn’t he also know what you are doing? ~Psalm 94:8-10

Oh, He knows what we are doing. The God of the universe knows the beats-per-minute of our hearts and do not think that He has "missed" the prideful detour that has taken us down a path that doesn't lead to or honor Him.

But He loves us enough to pursue us. He doesn't leave us lost. In His great love, He disciplines us and draws us out of our pride and back into His arms.

And although our initial reaction is to bristle-against being called out, in time and in the dissolving of our pride, we know that He is right, and there is joy in His discipline because it leads to righteousness in Him and a right-relationship with Him.

12 Joyful are those you discipline, Lord, those you teach with your instructions.

14 The Lord will not reject his people; he will not abandon his special possession.

15 Judgment will again be founded on justice, and those with virtuous hearts will pursue it.  ~Psalm 94:1-5, 7-10, 12-15

Jesus, it's counter-cultural and counter-prideful to find joy in discipline, but we praise You that You do not reject us in our pride, but instead you correct us and draw us back to You. Break us today. Do not abandon us, Your special possession. Thank You that we are Your special possession. Let your glorious justice shine forth (verse 1) today and we are open to the imperfections that Your light reveals in us. Amen.




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