Corona Devo 1686

When our children were young, I remember one Sunday morning before church when the outfit of our oldest (probably seven years old at the time) did not pass my "church attire" test.

"Aw, Mom, don't you know it's what's on the inside that counts, not the outside?", he protested as he trooped back upstairs to change into a collared shirt. 

But, he was right, and at seven years old, he "got" what many people never "get".  

It's not what's on the outside that counts.  In this case, he was arguing that he could look casual for church but that it was okay because he had a formal understanding and relationship with Jesus in his heart.  And this is theologically true: Jesus doesn't care what we wear when we walk into church.

But mom does.  

However, the flip-side of the argument that our son was making that Sunday morning is also true.  There are many people (including us sometimes), who look dapper and holy on Sunday mornings, or who have lavish lives, and yet their hearts are far from the Lord.   

It's not what's on the outside that counts, and King Jehoiakim was on the wrong path: his.

For all the wrong reasons.  For all the wrong motives.  For selfishness-- Jehoiakim lived.  And for himself he reigned.  

He was king, but his rule over the people was birthed out of self instead of service, and God noticed.  
And the Lord says, “What sorrow awaits Jehoiakim, who builds his palace with forced labor.  He builds injustice into its walls, for he makes his neighbors work for nothing.  He does not pay them for their labor.

(14) He says, ‘I will build a magnificent palace with huge rooms and many windows.  I will panel it throughout with fragrant cedar and paint it a lovely red.’  

(15) But a beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king! 

Your father, Josiah, also had plenty to eat and drink.  But he was just and right in all his dealings.  That is why God blessed him.   ~Jeremiah 22:13-15

Jehoiakim's dad Josiah was also a king, but Josiah served in God's name and in God's ways.  

God does not say that we cannot have nice things or even food and drink of plenty, but where does our allegiance lie?  To whom is our heart true?  Who governs our days and our desires: us or the Lord?

Is our faith and reliance and submission to God real?

Jehoiakim wasn't (even) faking faith...he was for himself and everyone knew it.  

But Josiah was for the Lord, and everyone knew it.  

And God noticed.

Your father, Josiah, also had plenty to eat and drink.  But he was just and right in all his dealings.  That is why God blessed him.  ~Jeremiah 22:15  

Are we busy building a cedar palace around ourselves, in order to create the "look" of being a king or queen?

Or--worse, are we (like Jehoiakim) forcing others to do the work of producing the effect of our success? 

But a beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king!  ~Jeremiah 22:15

Whether our hearts and lives are right or wrong for God today: He notices.  Are we living like Jehoiakim or Josiah today?  

Both were kings, but only one of them served well...and God noticed.  Which verse do we desire to describe our days here on earth? 

But a beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king!  ~Jeremiah 22:15
But he was just and right in all his dealings.  That is why God blessed him.   ~Jeremiah 22:15


Be reminded today by the Bible (and a seven year old) that it's not what's on the outside that counts.




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