Corona Devo 1832

I've noticed "angels" in the news lately. Some of my favorite pastors are writing books about angels, and sermons surrounding the purpose and idea of angels abound. And it's not just people standing in pulpits, and sitting in church pews that are wondering about angels: the best-seller lists always have a steady stream of angel-related books and titles. What do we need to know about angels? ~~~ People are curious about angels. I guess we always have been. Angels are intriguing, fascinating, and awe-inspiring. Not to mention: Shocking. Most mentions of angels in the Bible begin with these heavenly-beings telling people not to fear them. But how can a human reconcile a non-human in their midst? Like I said: people are curious about angels. Who are they? Why are they? Where are they? God knows that we want to know about angels. He also knows what we need to know about angels. Long ago God spok...