Corona Devo 1829

Did you ever read the story of "The Little Engine That Could"?  It tells of the (eventual) success of a small engine who struggles and works and believes that he can pull a (long!) broken-down train over a big mountain.  It is much work, but the Little Engine knows the (simple) steps of what-to-do, and he is persistent and enduring and resilient in doing it.  

He persists and succeeds, all the while chanting to himself, "I think I can".  


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, WE are the little engine that could, and our Lord is the God who can.

We have the Bible, and it explains to us all of God's ways to live and love and forgive and endure.  God has given us the (mostly) simple steps of what-to-do and how-to-live for Him.  

Want a hint?   Read the Bible daily and be persistent in God's principles and in enduring, and in following His Law, and in being resilient in doing it.  

If we think we can, we are right.

Psalm 101's scriptures give a snapshot of some of God's simple steps that help us to climb life's mountains.  Read through them and if we think we can obey God's Word today, then we can.

Psalm 101

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord.  I will praise you with songs.  

(2) I will be careful to live a blameless life...  

 I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.  

(3) I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar.  I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.  

(4) I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.  

(5) I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors.  I will not endure conceit and pride.  

(6) I will search for faithful people to be my companions.  Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me. 

(7) I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence.  

(8) My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip.  ~Psalm 101:1-8

Chugga, chugga, chugga...let's keep working on seeking the Lord, learning His ways and walking in them, day in and day out.  

Simple, but steady...we can and will be persistent and enduring and resilient in God's Word today.   Let's commit these "tips" to our hearts, and chug through today in the tracks that these truths of God lay for us.


And while God lays down His law and establishes tracks for us to follow all the days of our lives...He also knows that we are not inanimate engines, methodically moving through our days and lives.  We feel.  We fear.  We doubt and we dare.  

There are days and times when we are the long train that has gone off-track.  Somehow we've derailed and we are lost and wondering how to get realigned.

Psalm 101 is a short Psalm, and it is all-business: chugging along in God's righteous truths.  But (don't miss it!) sandwiched between a written desire to praise God with songs, and leading a life of integrity, is an injection of honesty and realism and a quick gasp of authenticity that we just might be cable to relate to today; 

When will you come to help me? (Psalm 101:2), the Psalmist seems to whisper to the Lord.  

That may be our question for God today too: When will you come to help me? (Psalm 101:2).

When?  Now.  

How?  His Word.

Keep chugging today, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!  WE are the little engine that could, and our Lord is the God who can.

We have the Bible (and Psalm 101), and it explains to us God's ways to live and love and forgive and endure.  

Do we know what the secret of how-to-endure is?  Just keep enduring.

Keep chugging.  I think I can, I think I can.

Keep reading the Bible today and be persistent in God's principles and in enduring, and in following His Law, and in being resilient in doing it.  

If we think we can, we are right.

Keep chugging along in our faith today.  As we are living and loving for the Lord, He will help us climb today's mountain and pull today's load.   

Yes, Friends, in-the-midst, and along-the-journey that we are all on in finding/serving/honoring/loving the Lord, there will be moments of exposure, mountains too big for us to climb, and derailments.

Our hearts will cry, "when will you come to help me" (Psalm 101:2)?

And God's Word will say, keep chugging.  If we think we can, we are right.

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord.  I will praise you with songs.  

(2) I will be careful to live a blameless life—when will you come to help me? ~Psalm 101:1-2


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, WE are the little engine that could, and our Lord is the God who can.




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