Corona Devo 684
Have you ever skied? You know that moment when you are at the top of an intimidating (too big) hill? It's the reason you came. You waited in anticipation to get here. The mountain lays majestic and well, mountainous before you. There's nothing else to do but push off and begin the adventure. I'm there. Maybe you are too. I don't mean physically that I am at the top of a steep mountain ready to push off, I mean spiritually. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. ~Matthew 21:22 Sometimes our faith places us at the same precipice as a black diamond ski hill. We've prayed for direction... and received it. We have completed the homework, laid the groundwork, and done the hard work...and now, t here's nothing else to do but push off and begin the adventure. But it's hard. We get frozen. Our mind races. Our (physical and spiritual) knees buckle. All ...