Corona Devo 1209

I did some cleaning today. I didn't set out with "cleaning" on my daily docket, but while in the motions of moving from one task into another, I decided to take-the-time to inspect some areas that I normally brush right by. And boy, it became clear that I have been "brushing by" without stopping to tend and take care for too long. It was time for a dusting, a cleansing, a wipe-down and a clean-up. I'm embarrassed at the amount of dust and gunk that had accumulated over time in some spots. I keep things clean, but sediment seems to happen anyway and build-up develops, even if we try to be proactive in not allowing it. Every once in a while, we just have to stop our normal routine and build-in a deep clean. ~~~ In the following verses, the prophet Haggai is giving God's people a talking-to. They needed to take a fresh look at themselves because they have been brushing-by God and taking care of themselves ...