Corona Devo 1240

You'll never guess what I tried the other night for the first time. Here's a hint: it requires focus, precision, concentration, following directions, and it can involve life or death. If you guessed would be correct. You would also be correct if you assumed that I know nothing about archery b ut when invited to try, I said, "Yes", and (while not very good at it), I rather enjoyed it. I have thought about that impromptu archery session quite a bit since drawing the string on that bow, and I keep musing over the similarities that archery shares with living a life for the Lord and sharing Him with others. Both require focus, precision, concentration, following directions, and can involve (spiritual) life or death. There are so many distractions and temptations that life (and satan) throw at us...and it can be very hard to stay focused on following God, but we must keep our eyes fixed on him. Therefore...let us throw off everything tha...