Corona Devo 15

If we ever needed a friend, it is now.

There are many crazy angles and levels to how the Coronavirus is affecting us, and most of them are not physical (praise God.) 

One emotional angle that I would not have foreseen was the isolation piece to this "social-distancing" and "stay-at-home" season of our lives.  I don't consider myself overly social, but apparently I never realized how much my heart and spirit would miss seeing/visiting/catching-up with people.  

I think part of America's Corona-"slump" is that we are not able to get out and see people. Our people.

I realized (how much) I was missing friends when one reached out yesterday.  It felt so good to have that connection.  
I also made a new friend yesterday.  (It was a great day😀!)  We didn't meet in person (of course!--this is Corona season), but we met over email discussing God's Word and the interaction and sentiments made my day.

God knows our hearts (He crafted them), and he knows what makes us tick.  I believe friendship was his idea, and He knows that friends can support us, love us, sharpen us, and make us better people. 

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.  ~Proverbs 17:17 (I would also humbly include "sister/sister-in-Christ" in the interpretation of this verse.)

I am grateful for a friend that loves me (no matter what), and I pray that I can be that friend to others.  

The second part of this verse (and a brother (sister) is born for a time of adversity) made me catch my breath.  The "new friendship" I entered into yesterday was a result of the Corona-chaos.  We were emailing about how Corona is affecting each of us, and as I read this verse afterwards, I realized that a positive outcome of Corona Spring Break was the birth of this friendship.  And God was pointing it out (in this verse) so that I didn't miss it.   

It's just like God told me: --"and a brother (or sister-in-Christ) is born for a time of adversity."
I think it is WILD how God narrates our lives through scripture that is around 2,000 years old.  The Bible is not dead, it is living and active and relevant, and it speaks to us about our todays.  I am so grateful for the (new) friend that Jesus brought me during this time of Corona adversity.  I am grateful for my tried and true friends that bring me joy too.

The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.  
~Proverbs 27:9
God called me on the carpet with this verse a couple weeks ago.  I put my foot and my ego in my mouth and I hurt one of my best friends.  I still do not know what I was thinking.  Why would I hurt someone I love?  But I did.  And she knew it, and I sure did too.  Her response was patient and spoken in the long-suffering tone that Jesus uses in the Bible (she's amazing).  The realization of my selfishness and her mercy broke me.  But in time we discussed it, and I apologized, and her beautiful counsel and grace continued.  I never really "got" this verse until that I went through that, but her "heartfelt counsel" was "as sweet as perfume and incense" to me.  It was lovely, and it encircled me like a cloud of lovely perfume.  That is the kind of friend we should aspire to be.  I am blessed to have one like that.   

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.  ~Proverbs 27:17

I guess this verse is self-explanatory, but if you have real-life examples of these kind of friendships, they are neat to experience.  True friendships, authentic ones, where you both can be yourselves and still be accepted (and loved!) by the other person--those are special.  
A true friend loves you, and also holds you accountable (sharpens you).  

One of my favorite (and most challenging) applications of this verse was last year when I was lamenting (complaining again?) about a person who had hurt me deeply.  I had every (earthly) reason to be hurt and angry, and I felt justified in my feelings.  Till a good friend listened, then looked me in the eye and very plainly said, "You have to forgive him, and move on."  

Ouch.  That was not the "support" I was looking for from her!  I deserved pity, empathy, maybe even sympathy (didn't I?).  But she gave me advice that Jesus himself might have also counseled.  And she was right.  I was letting the situation and person hold me captive, and I was imprisoned, but they were not.  It was time to move forward.  And I am blessed in spirit to say that I have (forgiven him and moved forward).  It's better that way, and I am much more at peace.  
Of course, because that is Christ's way: Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. ~Colossians 3:13

My friend (and sister-in-Christ) knew that.  She loved me enough to give me wise counsel.  She sharpened me.  

Good friends are hard to come by, but when you make a lasting friendship, it is like a jewel around your neck.  Precious and worth protecting. Take a moment to reach out to a friend today (not in person, for goodness sake--we are distancing!), but by text, email, phone, or (gasp) write a letter!

Friendships need maintaining, and we need our friends!  Especially during this time of Corona adversity.  

A friend loves at all times: be that person today.



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