Corona Devo 16
We are in the middle of something here.
Not just in our homes, but in our cities, and in our states, and in our Nation. And we are in the middle of something happening right now across the world!
Of course you already know that.
But, similar to an ostrich, I feel like I have had my head buried in the sand for a week or two, (but who's counting anymore?!), and I think I was missing the big picture of whatever it is that is happening.
I feel like I have "buried my head" (physically--by government order), but also mentally and emotionally from the world. I haven't really wanted to deal with the media fact-reports about the Coronavirus, and the (strange) delight they seem to take in dropping suggestions that are not even true (at this stage), and yet cause me a lot of worry: (small businesses folding, the U.S. economy crashing, our lungs blowing up...more deaths!). I am scared and frightened at the unknown, the stress and the worry of all of this. I am realizing that in my own way, I have been playing the ostrich.
But then I lifted my head to the Lord, and He always gives us perspective. Here are some things I took my head out of the sand about:
The last thing I realized is that we are a part of something. What's happening is different. It's unprecedented. It's weird. Like when Noah was building an ark and everyone around him thought he was crazy. But He was a part of something. He was walking in faith. I know that we are (right now) living in a time period that our grandkids will study in Social Studies classes. I don't think Noah could explain exactly why he was building an ark. He just knew it was what he was supposed to be doing then.
What are you supposed to be doing today?
Building an ark is a HUGE example, so don't be overwhelmed by it. Break it down to --your people (surrounding you), your gifts, your talents, your influence. How can we contribute to this season in our lives, right here and now, today?
I got this Corona "big-picture" idea from my reading today in Hebrews, Chapter 11. It is sometimes called the "Hall of Faith". It lists many examples of (normal) people who had faith in God and lived for God, and their examples became hallmarks in our (Biblical) faith history. These people were just like us. Most of their achievements would have "made no sense on paper", if you will, before they came to fruition. But they obeyed the still small voice in their heart, (or some of them had actual angelic visits, etc). But they obeyed! Some examples include:
Hebrews 11:
7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
11 And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.
17 By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.
23 By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.
29 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.
30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days.
I praise the Lord that he gives us real-life examples of people who had faith and lived faith. Their times were uncertain, just like ours. Their "acts" were unusual things that no one would have thought up on their own. But you spoke to their hearts, and they listened. More than that! They obeyed and their faith and obedience changed history.
They didn't know exactly what was going to happen on the other side of their faith. But they trusted You, Lord. We are trusting you, Lord. I sense that you are doing something big with us, right now, in this timewarp called Corona. This is faith.
We will look back on this pandemic and have stories and memories and testimonies! We will see your fingerprints (Lord) on every area of our lives.
In the middle of it, it's almost impossible to track, but we are living out our faith today, and tomorrow. Lord--help us do it. Help us to tune our ear to your still small voice so that we can grasp the direction we (each uniquely) should move from day to day.
And one day, in Heaven, we will share the stories (and realizations) of all that you did with us, within us, and through us during this unprecedented series of world events spinning off of the Coronavirus. And actually, the Bible tells us that sitting around the "heavenly campfire" with us will be the other "normal people" (now famous--like Abraham and Moses) and they will sharing their stories too.
Hebrews 11:39 All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. 40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us. ~Hebrews 11:39-40
If you have had your head buried, first of all, I understand! But second of all, I encourage us to lift our heads, and try to discern what our (unique) role in today might be.
We are making history!
Not just in our homes, but in our cities, and in our states, and in our Nation. And we are in the middle of something happening right now across the world!
Of course you already know that.
But, similar to an ostrich, I feel like I have had my head buried in the sand for a week or two, (but who's counting anymore?!), and I think I was missing the big picture of whatever it is that is happening.
I feel like I have "buried my head" (physically--by government order), but also mentally and emotionally from the world. I haven't really wanted to deal with the media fact-reports about the Coronavirus, and the (strange) delight they seem to take in dropping suggestions that are not even true (at this stage), and yet cause me a lot of worry: (small businesses folding, the U.S. economy crashing, our lungs blowing up...more deaths!). I am scared and frightened at the unknown, the stress and the worry of all of this. I am realizing that in my own way, I have been playing the ostrich.
But then I lifted my head to the Lord, and He always gives us perspective. Here are some things I took my head out of the sand about:
- We are all going through this. All of us are unsure, worried sometimes, and feeling cut-off.
- There is hope. Jesus Christ is our #1 hope. His Word carries us and opens our eyes to how to stay afloat in this sea of Corona chaos.
- There is human hope. I keep hearing very positive stories about people showing up in life right now, and being the hands and feet of Jesus to others. A neighbor heading up drivers to run errands for the elderly who are home-bound. A car-parade for a 3-year-old little girl suffering with cancer. Hopefully you've heard your own do-good stories. People are choosing to live, love and serve in the middle of this Corona season/time-out/pause.
The last thing I realized is that we are a part of something. What's happening is different. It's unprecedented. It's weird. Like when Noah was building an ark and everyone around him thought he was crazy. But He was a part of something. He was walking in faith. I know that we are (right now) living in a time period that our grandkids will study in Social Studies classes. I don't think Noah could explain exactly why he was building an ark. He just knew it was what he was supposed to be doing then.
What are you supposed to be doing today?
Building an ark is a HUGE example, so don't be overwhelmed by it. Break it down to --your people (surrounding you), your gifts, your talents, your influence. How can we contribute to this season in our lives, right here and now, today?
I got this Corona "big-picture" idea from my reading today in Hebrews, Chapter 11. It is sometimes called the "Hall of Faith". It lists many examples of (normal) people who had faith in God and lived for God, and their examples became hallmarks in our (Biblical) faith history. These people were just like us. Most of their achievements would have "made no sense on paper", if you will, before they came to fruition. But they obeyed the still small voice in their heart, (or some of them had actual angelic visits, etc). But they obeyed! Some examples include:
Hebrews 11:
7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
11 And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.
17 By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.
23 By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.
29 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.
30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days.
I praise the Lord that he gives us real-life examples of people who had faith and lived faith. Their times were uncertain, just like ours. Their "acts" were unusual things that no one would have thought up on their own. But you spoke to their hearts, and they listened. More than that! They obeyed and their faith and obedience changed history.
They didn't know exactly what was going to happen on the other side of their faith. But they trusted You, Lord. We are trusting you, Lord. I sense that you are doing something big with us, right now, in this timewarp called Corona. This is faith.
We will look back on this pandemic and have stories and memories and testimonies! We will see your fingerprints (Lord) on every area of our lives.
In the middle of it, it's almost impossible to track, but we are living out our faith today, and tomorrow. Lord--help us do it. Help us to tune our ear to your still small voice so that we can grasp the direction we (each uniquely) should move from day to day.
And one day, in Heaven, we will share the stories (and realizations) of all that you did with us, within us, and through us during this unprecedented series of world events spinning off of the Coronavirus. And actually, the Bible tells us that sitting around the "heavenly campfire" with us will be the other "normal people" (now famous--like Abraham and Moses) and they will sharing their stories too.
Hebrews 11:39 All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. 40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us. ~Hebrews 11:39-40
If you have had your head buried, first of all, I understand! But second of all, I encourage us to lift our heads, and try to discern what our (unique) role in today might be.
We are making history!
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