Corona Devo 40
With the kids being home (and outside) all the time, there is always new dirt and mud leading in from our back door. They take off their shoes, but it (still) somehow multiplies and compounds.
It was driving me crazy, but then I realized that the dirt is an evidence of activity, exercise, camaraderie, fun and fellowship that our family is enjoying during this Corona season.
Sometimes God uses simple or frustrating things to open our eyes to bigger things that He is doing.
It was driving me crazy, but then I realized that the dirt is an evidence of activity, exercise, camaraderie, fun and fellowship that our family is enjoying during this Corona season.
Sometimes God uses simple or frustrating things to open our eyes to bigger things that He is doing.
32 There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.
33 After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). 35 At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.
36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” ~Mark 7:32-37
Jesus performed (performs!) miracles. Here, he gave hearing and speech to a man who was deaf and almost mute. Jesus changes lives in physical ways, but he specializes in emotional and spiritual transformations too. Those miracles are accessible by us daily if we are willing, and if we, too, will "beg" Jesus to put His hand on us, or on others that need His healing.
The materials Jesus used in the healing process above were not what I would have expected. Sticking his fingers into the deaf man's ears, and then using (His) spit to touch the man's tongue.
Simple. Uncomplicated. Gross.
Jesus almost always does things in a way that we would not expect. He will use the most interesting things to touch our hearts. Things (and people) that we would never expect. Can you reflect on an event or lesson in your life that rolled out very differently from how you imagined it would, and yet, now you can see the divine purpose in that method?
I felt the Lord teaching me lessons from a couple different angles in in these verses from Mark 7:32-37.
One way that I applied this to my life right now is by recognizing the belief and faith that the "people" had in Jesus when they brought this man to Him to be healed. Lord, I have friends and family that do not know you. And some of them do know You, but their ears are plugged from hearing from You, or they are not feeling like they can talk to You.
My Heavenly Father, I bring these loved ones to You. Touch their ears and their mouths and their hearts. Open up the communication lines and soften their hearts. You will heal their struggles, but I know that their submission in coming to You is a critical piece of that process. I have faith that You can reach anyone... everyone; because you reached me.
I know that God intended the other application of these verses for me.
Jesus performed (performs!) miracles. Here, he gave hearing and speech to a man who was deaf and almost mute. Jesus changes lives in physical ways, but he specializes in emotional and spiritual transformations too. Those miracles are accessible by us daily if we are willing, and if we, too, will "beg" Jesus to put His hand on us, or on others that need His healing.
The materials Jesus used in the healing process above were not what I would have expected. Sticking his fingers into the deaf man's ears, and then using (His) spit to touch the man's tongue.
Simple. Uncomplicated. Gross.
Jesus almost always does things in a way that we would not expect. He will use the most interesting things to touch our hearts. Things (and people) that we would never expect. Can you reflect on an event or lesson in your life that rolled out very differently from how you imagined it would, and yet, now you can see the divine purpose in that method?
I felt the Lord teaching me lessons from a couple different angles in in these verses from Mark 7:32-37.
One way that I applied this to my life right now is by recognizing the belief and faith that the "people" had in Jesus when they brought this man to Him to be healed. Lord, I have friends and family that do not know you. And some of them do know You, but their ears are plugged from hearing from You, or they are not feeling like they can talk to You.
My Heavenly Father, I bring these loved ones to You. Touch their ears and their mouths and their hearts. Open up the communication lines and soften their hearts. You will heal their struggles, but I know that their submission in coming to You is a critical piece of that process. I have faith that You can reach anyone... everyone; because you reached me.
I know that God intended the other application of these verses for me.
Lord, open my ears to hear you. To listen for your whisper among the loud screams and distractions around me. To listen to your voice amidst all of the noise that I am making. Unplug my ears and my heart. I long to hear Your voice, Your sound, Your call. I want to hear You and love You and to be with You. Untangle my tongue to speak Your words of life to others. I love You. I need you, Lord. My life is empty and pointless and a mad rushing without You. But with You, Lord, my life is full, has purpose and You give me direction without exhaustion. Be near, Lord. Touch my ears and tongue--make them obedient to Your call, my King.
36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” ~Mark 7:32-37
When You move in our lives, Lord, we must tell the story! We must share Your transformations and testify to how we have been changed. Why would we keep it to ourselves, and how can we?
Your movement in our lives is real, and I pray for the boldness to share Your story with others, Lord.
Help us today to have faith to lift those to You who need Your touch.
And for me today: Be near, Lord. Touch my ears and tongue--make them obedient to Your call, my King.
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