Corona Devo 101
Clutter. That would describe the top of my dresser for the past two weeks. I started the seasonal switch of clothing, but then the phone rang, dinner needed to be made and three kids kept calling my name. Next thing I knew, weeks had passed, and the clutter never moved. I can't say that it was inactive, though. Just seeing it every day was a tiny weight on me. The clutter pulled me down every time I glanced at it. It weighs down your mood and any sense of feeling accomplished. It's hard to feel organized when you have piles of clothing towering. They silently berated and mocked me.
You might have your own mess waiting to be cleaned up.
The beautiful thing is--when we do take the time to put some time and effort in to completing a project: physical or spiritual, there is a tangible sense of contentment and gratitude for having it "cleaned up". Because the mess weighed so heavily (for so long--in my case), the depth of satisfaction in having "righted" it is awesome.
The Lord offers us that sense of contentment and gratitude in our walk with Him. When we make a choice to clear out the clutter of our days and our not concern ourselves and worry about things that are not ours to worry about--it is freeing! It is like a breath of fresh air after holding your breath for a long time. He refreshes our spirit, and quiets our fretting, our anxieties, and our insecurities.
My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. 2 But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother's milk. 3 Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and always. Psalm 131:1-3
What if we could clear the clutter of our mind and our hearts? Worries, feelings of competition with others, feelings of insecurity, and pressures of unimportant outcomes. We strive...for what? Man's approval? Our own approval?
If we get to the root things, (as God does)--we get flustered because our hearts are proud, and our eyes are haughty (snobbish). My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty...(Psalm 131:1). We want to appear like we have it all together, and we often even believe that we are better than others. That is prideful and sinful, and just plain inaccurate. We are all God's handiwork. When we release the pride, there is a peace that settles over us and our souls. It's freeing.
We also get tangled up by worrying, fretting, and even "planning" things that are not of our concern. And these tangents clutter us. I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. (Psalm 131:1). There is peace and contentment is stepping back and stepping away from the over-thinking that so many of us have become accustomed to. The world and others will figure things out on their own. Plus, most things and people do not change because of the 2-cents that I have offered. There is a freedom in "not concerning ourselves".
Like a child that self-soothes himself back to sleep, we can be whole in Christ and in who Christ says that we are. We are enough. We are his children. We don't need the acceptance of the world and it's ways over our days. We have the acceptance of Christ over our lives and that brings a calm and a quiet to our souls. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother's milk. (Psalm 131:2)
There is only one thing that brings fulfillment and purpose here on earth--The Lord. When our focus is on us and our pride--our self-importance puffs up and there is a discontent in our spirits. There is also no peace when we seek to "accomplish" our way through life. Achievements, whether in career, money, status, or in home organization (like cleaning out drawers), only please us for so long. Nothing is ever "enough". Our hope must be anchored in something deeper and of eternal significance. Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and always. Psalm 131:3
Our hope is in the Lord. He brings contentment, satisfaction and gratitude to our days, our seasons, and our hearts. When we clear the clutter of our lives and establish a direct connection with Him, it is life-changing and mood-altering.
As we face today, let's make a conscience effort to clear our clutter.
Make my heart not proud, Lord, and my eyes...not haughty. Don't let us concern ourselves with great matters or things too wonderful for us. Lord, help to calm and quiet us. We put our hope in You both now and always. (Excerpts from Psalm 131:1-3)
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