Corona Devo 108

It's hard to think of anything positive resulting from the death of someone you love (at first).  The immediate feelings are emotional and sad.  But within the process of wrapping up an estate or will, there can be the hidden blessing of an inheritance.  Initially, a windfall of money might be your first thought, but often an inheritance can be of "less worth" than money, but contain more meaning.  

My Gramma passed away in February, and I inherited her kitchen salt and pepper shakers.  Simple, maybe, but every time I pick them up (daily), a warmth flows through my heart knowing that she used to pick them up too.  

God has a beautiful inheritance for His children.  And it is worth far more than any amount of money can buy. 


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. ~I Peter 1:3-5

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope... ~I Peter 1:3.  We are undeserving of your mercy, Lord.  We were lost in the world and its sin.  We were tarnishing your temple (us!) and yet you found us.  You are relentless in your pursuit of us, and your mercy is vast and "great".  You don't give up on us, even though we wander.  Your mercy is great, Lord.  Help us to process that and then reflect it.    

 ...he has given us ...  Thank you, Lord for giving US (even us!) new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..~I Peter 1:3.    Our new birth (new life/restart/reboot/do-over) is into a "living hope" in You.  Not an ancient, past, or dead hope, but a living hope today!  You are alive and in the present, God, and you are alive and present in us.  Your hope lives in us and it is a living hope!  Our circumstances change every day and you are alive and with us at each new corner.  

...he has given us new birth inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. ~I Peter 1:3-5

The hope we have in you leads to our inheritance as sons and daughters of Christ, and oh the joy in the permanence of that inheritance (can never perish, spoil or fade).  Unlike all of today's distractions and temptations and worldly things: your inheritance can never perish, spoil or fade...(and) is kept in heaven for you... (I Peter 1:4).

Me?  You keep this majestic, peaceful, glorious inheritance in heaven for me, for us?  

Yes--grab ahold of these words and claim them for yourself because God has given us this promise today.  He gives us "new birth" when we follow Him, and our "inheritance" as His sons and daughters can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you...(I Peter 1:4).

Nothing can take away the radiance of heaven: it will not fade, spoil or perish.  Many situations, illnesses, people and trials can take away our earthly inheritance.  In fact, everything on earth fades away eventually.  But our inheritance is not here on earth.  It is kept in heaven for you...(I Peter 1:4).  We must refrain from putting our trust and security in earthly things and people.  They will always fade.  But the Lord never changes and never fades and neither does the inheritance He holds for us in heaven.   

Lord, we praise you for the promise of our protection: (us) who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  ~I Peter 1:5.  Lord, we need your promised shield.  With the crumbling of today's society and beliefs, the perversions of truth and accepted evils: please shield us and our children.  Your word promises that through faith (we) are shielded by God’s power.   Thank You, Lord! 

It is a relief and an encouragement to know that we have the hope of heaven and that although trials will come here on earth, we will be shielded by God’s power (I Peter 1:5).

These truths about our inheritance from the Lord have a value that surpasses the depth of money.  Our fortunes, or lack of them will stay here when our time on earth expires.  But the treasure (inheritance) that we are bequeathed from Jesus is priceless and I pray that as you "pick up" this truth, a warmth flows through your heart knowing that God is has hand-picked you.    




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