Corona Devo 128
“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Mount Zion is passionate and strong; I am consumed with passion for Jerusalem!" ~Zechariah 8:2
Have you ever considered that the God of the entire universe has a love for you that is passionate and strong? It is Biblical truth that God is consumed with passion for (us) Jerusalem!
We all want to be loved. It is perhaps our most basic desire. Love means comfort during our trials in life. Love means understanding and an interest in understanding what we are going through. Love means patience when we mess up, which we will. Love means we are safe to be ourselves.
Early in life, we dream of what a passionate and strong love will look like in our lives. We search for it in many places and often in many people. We seek it in accomplishments and accolades and in serving.
But true love is found in none of those things. We look everywhere, but God's love has always been in plain sight, right in front of our eyes. From the moment we are born, having been perfectly constructed in love within our mother's womb, God's love for us is undeniable. And far beyond that is his depth and strength of love for us: My love for (you) is passionate and strong... ~Zechariah 8:2
It's time to stop running down dead ends looking for love. Some of us are limping and crawling, still in search of our significance and of love. The Lord is proclaiming His Love for us (for you) in these verses today. If we could just grasp how deep and amazing His love for us is, then it will fill our love-tanks, and we can stop putting the "love pressure" on everyone or everything else around us.
For those of us who are married, it is very easy to look for all of our emotional and even spiritual love-needs to be met by our spouse, but God never designed marriage to work that way. His working-model of marriage begins with each of us having an intimate love-relationship with Him (first), which means that our spirit and our love-tanks are filled first by God. By God's love and purposes for us. Our spouse (job, money, hobby, etc.) will never fulfill us or completely fill our love-tanks. Only God can.
The stress that is added to relationships when we look for all of our needs to be met by another person is heavy. It can be crippling. It can ruin marriages. No human is capable of performing that task. God reminds us that He has all of the love that we want and need. “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Mount Zion is passionate and strong; I am consumed with passion for Jerusalem!" ~Zechariah 8:2
Does it make you uncomfortable to think about God's love for you being "passionate and strong"?
Is it too "sexy" for you to imagine that God is "consumed with passion for" us?
We are taking His words the wrong way then. Well, we are interpreting them as our human minds have been trained to understand "passionate", "strong", and "consumed with passion".
But dig deeper into the aura of these words and phrases. The deep feeling of them. All of the emotion (physical and spiritual) and depth and zest that is wrapped up in these words is exactly how God loves us.
We tend to associate them in a sexual manner, but God's feelings are so much deeper than that. It's hard for us to grasp, but please try. He fulfills our deepest emotional and spiritual needs with a depth of love that is almost incomprehensible and that most of us have never considered, but it can change our "search for love" if we will open ourselves up to Him.
He loves us SO much! Think of this, and believe it: The Lord is "consumed with passion for" you!
“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Mount Zion is passionate and strong; I am consumed with passion for Jerusalem!" ~Zechariah 8:2
When was the last time someone was "consumed with passion" for you? Don't blush or feel flirty. There is nothing one-night-stand about Jesus Christ's love for us. He allowed Himself to be whipped and then nailed to a cross out of His love for us. We'd never seen love demonstrated like that before, had we? And no one else will ever give all that He did for us. He loves us with the truest love.
We won't ever know an earthly love that will surpass how God feels for us. Let's stop putting the pressure on other things and people to fill our love-tanks. And today, let's open the door to intimacy with God. His love for us is passionate and strong.
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