Have you ever watched a tiny thing become a big thing, simply because you didn't take the proper time to "deal with" the thing?
A couple weeks ago we stayed with a gracious aunt and uncle who have a pool in their back yard. It was hot weather, and our kids lived in their pool. We are early risers, and by 7:30 or 8 A.M., the kids had their suits on and were begging for a chaperone.
Most of the day was spent in the pool, until it got too dark to see and the mosquitos were feasting on our flesh. It was Summer defined.
Except for our daughter's hair. Normally long and blonde and tame, the pool took it's toll on her locks which reach her waistline. Each day I would think to myself, "We should brush that out." But then they would hop back in the pool for another swim session.
Let's just say, too many days went by. She looked like she had dread locks, but it was just mini-tornadoes of snarls and knots that had formed small roped communities in her tresses.
Have you ever had something that you let go too long, and then it became unmanageable?
As my daughter and I spent the 30 minutes combing, cajoling and smoothing her tangled mass into stick-straight strands once again, she surprised me with her insight.
She suggested that our time with the Lord each day is important because it "keeps us on track", she said, and "in good moods". (Yes, God does both of these things for us. We are better when we are attempting His plans, not ours, and I sure am in better moods when I am filled with Him and not myself.)
Then she went on to compare the snarled hair that we hadn't brushed out each day to us when we don't stay in touch with Jesus each day. When we get too busy or forget to read the Bible.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. ~Psalm 1:2
She's right.
When we do not spend regular time in God's word and then in conversation/prayer/silence with God, we become tangled messes. We get snarls in our tongues, our attitudes, our relationships and our lives.
I will lift up my hands toward your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes. ~Psalm 119-48
The Lord seeks a daily relationship with us, and it can definitely be argued that when we stay close to Him, we find ourselves in fewer tangles. No, I am not suggesting that following Jesus means no problems or hardships. But following Jesus should mean less of our egos and pride, and more submission to Him and His leading in our life. Just by default, less pride will bring less "tangles" to our lives.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. ~Joshua 1:8
It may be a childish metaphor, but I think it presents such an understandable physical picture: like brushing out long hair each day, and not letting snarls and tangles accrue and multiply, if we stay in daily communication and with God through his word, music, prayer: then God helps us to makes sense of our lives and deal with them in functional ways.
We only get one go-around here on earth. Let's not waste our time in a tangle of worry or feelings of failure or anger. God has more for us. If we could see ourselves the way that He sees us, we would walk taller and love more freely.
But I am convinced that daily discipline is the best way to stay in rhythm with the Lord. If it has been a long time since you cracked open the Bible, don't be overwhelmed by looking at the rest of your life as an assignment.
For today choose to sit down and read (some of) God's word. Allow Him to begin to work through some of your knots, snarls and tangles. His love for us gives Him gentle hands and His wisdom upon our lives will be for our good. He will smooth out our rough areas if we allow Him to have the control. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. ~Joshua 1:8
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