Corona Devo 132
And on that day the Lord God will rescue His people...
They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.17 How wonderful and beautiful they will be! ~Zechariah 9:16-17
Jesus! We want to sparkle in your land like jewels in a crown! We can. We should be. There is nothing stopping us except ourselves.
Lord, allow us to glisten in Your light that shines upon us and through us!
But what does it look like in real life to "sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown", you ask? We already know. We know people that do this. We ARE people that do this, and God gives us permission and authority to sparkle for Him!
People that have been touched by God's word or His truth in their life--they have a radiance about them. There is a beauty within them that doesn't come from lipstick or a tiny waistline. Our outward appearance is always fading and that is NOT true beauty.
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. ~I Peter 3:3-4
How wonderful and beautiful they will be! ~Zechariah 9:17
This wonder and beauty comes from the Lord and His light and love shining through us to others. When we have experienced God's love and forgiveness, we radiate the result of that from our hearts.
Let's be those jewels sparkling in our land (our marriages, our families, our neighborhood, our Nation) for God. Let others see flashes of God's light or reflections of Him though us, and may it provide hope. If He can shine through me, He can shine through anybody (adapted from a quote by St. Francis of Assisi).
Let's glisten with God! Just as we can picture a gem being held up to the light, filtering and refracting the rays of light streaming through it: We can live that way! There are always enough Eeyore's (from Winnie-the-Pooh) in the world, and crabapples and stick-in-the-muds. It's very difficult for Jesus to shine through us when we are in those moods.
But those that "sparkle in his land" are special. They stand out to us, and they make you feel special when you are with them. They help us to sparkle too, don't they? That is the power of Jesus sparkling through His people.
We are them! God has rescued us (And on that day the Lord God will rescue His people...) from apathy, impatience, depression, fill-in-your-blank)... so that we can get on with the business of sparkling for Him!
It's time to sparkle for Jesus. Our "land" needs us. Well, they need God's hope and love, and He created us to spread and sparkle that in His name.
And we need to be real about it. True sparkle for Christ. Not a "fake glitz" like costume jewelry for a night out. God sees through that, and so do people.
We can choose today to sparkle in his land in true radiance. Knowing and loving Jesus changes us. How wonderful and beautiful they will be! ~Zechariah 9:17
Lord, today we want to sparkle in (Your) land like jewels in a crown Zechariah 9:16).
"Jewels"-- did you notice that it is plural? We are your people, Lord. All of us. You have a place for each of us and we align together to adorn You and glorify You with our lives.
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