Corona Devo 133

I am feeling sheepish.  

Are you familiar with sheep?  First of all, they lack coordination between mental and physical tasks.  For instance, if they fall onto their backs they cannot get back up, or "right" themselves.  Seriously--it's true.  They are probably thinking, "I should just rollover and get up."  But they can't.  

The next thing about sheep is that they are not very bright.  They "follow" each other by instinct, even if it is into danger, or to slaughter.  Yikes!--Turn your brains on, guys!

The third thing I know about sheep is that they are pretty defenseless.  They need a shepherd to care for them, and to protect them from danger.

And in lieu of this discussion, I will say it again, I am feeling sheepish--about myself and about our Nation.

Like sheep, we are lacking coordination between mental and physical tasks.  Unfortunately, Corona has taken a toll on our mental health.  We feel much more insecure as individuals and as a Nation than we have in the past, but we are not sure what to do about it.  And unfortunately, I see a continued pattern by media to report and release information based in fear and negativity, and there is an exclusion of positive stories or positive health results/percentages.  Yes, people are getting sick, and some are dying.  But not everyone is dying.  Can we agree on that?  Why can't we read or watch that?  They will not report that. We must think and realize that on our own.

And so, in effect, we are held captive or at least in a suspended-state-of-affairs in our lives.  Should we go out?  Should we have school/work?  Should we swim, go to church, vacation?  I believe many of us are thinking, "I should just rollover and get up."  But we can't.

And, also like sheep, we are being stupid.  Sorry to be so blunt, but I see our Nation turning off their brains and swallowing every new "truth" that is fed to us by social media or the latest newsfeed. 

Are we actually trying to erase the history of the United States?  Does that concern anyone?  Does that seem educated or as if it will benefit those who were wronged or those who committed wrongs?  The truth of our past cannot be changed, even if we try to pretend it didn't happen or remove any monuments/data relating to it.  And worse, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it (George Santayana).  Can we learn from it?  Not if we stand by like sheep.

Beyond historical things, we are smart enough and God-fearing enough as a Nation (and individuals) to know that God loves ALL of us, and He expects us to do the same.  Love thy neighbor (Matthew 22:39) isn't just a bumper sticker.  It's a command from Jesus and He means it.  We know to Love thy neighbor, how about if we help each other up off of our backs and start "following" one another down that path?  

And the final thing that we share with sheep is that we both need a shepherd to protect us, guide us and even comfort us sometimes.  Jesus Christ is that shepherd to us.  He is exactly that shepherd to us.  

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me... (John 10:27-28)

I think in all of the hub-bub we have forgotten whose we are.  Our minds are flustered and harried with all of the "news" and "new normals" and unknowns, and we have wandered away from our Shepherd.  

We've lost coordination between our mental side of life and our physical actions, and the Lord reminds us that He is the coordinator of the two.  He knows us (mentally), and He prompts us to follow HimHe will "reboot" our lives, no matter where we are, and He sacrificed His life on the cross for the privilege of doing so with us.  Our Shepherd will not leave us in distress.

And once we "regain our footing", as Christ followers it is our privilege and responsibility to help other "sheep" that are wandering, or are flat on their backs.  Love is the best shepherding tool there is.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35) Look around: Who are you following?  Who is following you?

Lord, today in a new way: we are feeling sheepish--and we are blessed by it.  Being a sheep in God's flock is the more than we deserve, and it can change our lives and our Nation.  Listen to His voice and follow Him.  No one can snatch you away from our Shepherd.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me... (John 10:27-28



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