Corona Devo 167

The other day we had guests over for lunch.  We ate outdoors which is only an option for about 4 months a year in Ohio, so it is a blessing.  The only hard part was that it was about 90 degrees and HOT.  

After the guests had left, my daughter was excited and proud to tell me her story that as everyone sat down during lunch, she got up and traded her seat in the shade with one of the guests who was sitting in full sun.  She went on to describe to me how swelteringly hot her (new) seat in the broad-day sun was.  But she was fiercely proud of her act of hospitality and wanted me to know all about it and how she did it to be nice to our company.  

I definitely was proud of her.  I know many people that would have quietly kept the comfortable seat in the shade.

But when I read the Bible today, I felt her story was a perfect example of how not to handle "our righteousness", if you will.  (However, in my Mom-opinion, she deserves a slight exemption because she is 9 years old, and we are still very-much training her and raising her to behave in less self-focused ways and to put others first, as Jesus did.)  But all the same, for those of us who are adults, the Lord reminds us that He wants us to serve others, but He does not want us to seek accolades for it.  

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ~Matthew 6:1-4

The Lord always has his eye on us.  I mean that in a wonderful way.  Not in an Almighty Judge way, or a Disciplining Instructor way, but in a Proud Daddy way.  He sees the beautiful things we do for others, to bless them and to help the get through today, or this hour.  He sees our hearts break for the broken and He sees the steps we take to bring a smile or a hug or hope.  He is delighted in these things.

We have to rest in the knowledge that He is pleased when we bless others and care for them.  Such subtlety is contrary to how the world operates.  The world teaches its children to toot-our-own-horn and shout-our-accomplishments from the rooftops.  

But why?  Where does it get us?  What are we really looking to receive from others when we brag, post, or show-off about our actions or efforts?  

Encouragement?  That is hard to find from people, especially when they are listening to us spout about ourselves.  

Congratulations or fanfare?  It just doesn't happen.  

Admiration?  Maybe, but more the sharing of our deeds or accomplishments even if done to serve others, often creates jealousy and envy, even amongst people that love and care for us.  

The Lord reminds us to keep it to ourselves.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you (Matthew 6:4).   His is the only opinion that truly matters (when will we learn that and begin to live just for Him and not the applause of others?)  He sees us and the good that we do, think, and pray.  

God will take care of us.  And, have you noticed that the world will not take care of us?  The world doesn't offer satisfaction or contentment, it only dangles the next carrot just out of our reach as soon as we have grasp the one that we've been chasing.

It's a bit of a paradox--in relation to the self-glory that the world teaches us from birth, but also in relation to our own egos as well.  God wants us to be humble in front of others, but it begins with humility in our selves.  But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret Matthew 4:3-4).   His word even cautions us against bragging to ourselves.  Now that's deep.  And that's also convicting.   

And apparently, that's today's assignment for us.  Or at least I believe God wanted me to realize it afresh today.  But if you ever find yourself performing for the approval of others instead of God alone and to glorify Him alone, then we can both take heart that He sees our heart and our true motivation.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ~Matthew 6:4

He sees you and me giving up our shady seat to honor a guest, but the trick is for us to keep it to ourselves, and to feel the inward contentment of serving Him, without having to announce it to the world.  

Jesus gave up His Kingdom in the shade of Heaven to come down and take our seat in the hot sun.  Except He didn't sit in a chair on the porch, He stretched out on a cross and took the heat of death to silently show how much He loved us.

Now that is a story worth telling someone about.




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