Corona Devo 169

22 “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. 23 But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!  ~Matthew 6:22-23

Have you ever (chose to) realize that whether we think a situation/person/idea is right or wrong: we are right.  (For example--If we view it as negative, then we (feel) we are right, but if we view it as positive, then we (feel) we are right.)  Well, maybe not right, but depending on our mood, our opinion and how we are allowing Jesus to process things through us (Holy Spirit), we can decide VERY differently about how we feel about something.

If we "see" things unhealthily (negatively, self-focused, clique-y, condescendingly, one-sidedly), then the situation, and all of our reactions to it are dark (negative).  We can also see things "darkly" as a result of fear, worry, anxiousness and lack-of-information.  Sound like the reactions to any recent pandemics that we know?  

Our "eye" (self!) can only see poorly when we are "looking to see poorly".  Our eye and perspective is unhealthy then.  But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. ~Matthew 6:23.

But in Christ, we can see things differently.  And in Christ we should see things differently.  God gives us a healthy perspective...His perspective.  If we view life through His lens, we can be assured that His plan, which was set in motion at the beginning of time, is in forward motion, even if day-to-day we can barely see the wheels turning.  They are.  God is always working in us and in our lives.  

And when we begin to view our lives through Christ, it changes how we view things.  When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. (Matthew 6:22).  The dark isn't as scary.  And maybe it's not actually darkness after all.  Perhaps we just need to turn-God's-light-on in some areas of our life.  They may look dark and foreboding right now, but only because the Power Source has not been accessed.  God changes things.  And when we view ourselves and our lives with eyes open to God's perspective, then we allow His Light to shine in the scary corners that we have been reluctant to go in.  As we begin to see even unknown areas of ourselves and our lives with a "healthy eye", and the light of Christ shining into them: we see more healthily and more clearly.  We begin viewing life with a healthy eye, and when we do that, our whole body is filled with light..  

Some of us have been living with a whole body...filled with darkness for way too long.  It's exhausting and depleting and life-sucking.  Ask yourself today--where are you getting your "light"?  If your answer is anything but God and His Word, then it is the wrong answer.  And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is! (Matthew 6:23).  Shut the news off.  Click off of social media.  Let voicemail pick up that call.  Sit down with Jesus and let Him fill you with His light.  

Let's step out of the darkness today.  Flip on the light of Jesus, and He will illuminate your thoughts and heart in a new way.  He brings true perspective and light into our dark areas.  How we view life (and live life!) is a choice, and God reminds us of that through his word today.  

22 “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. 23 But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!  ~Matthew 6:22-23

Is your "eye" (attitude/mood/perspective/angle) healthy or unhealthy today?




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