Corona Devo 202
Do you have an E-ZPass?
They are little boxes that you can stick to the inside of your windshield and when you get to a toll-booth on the turnpike (in about 15 states), you needn't fish around for that Turnpike Ticket that always goes missing. You don't have to rush to find a couple bucks or exact change for the fee. The E-ZPass takes care of the worry and stress, and the toll-gate magically "goes up" when you pull up to the turnpike booth. It's really quite amazing, relieving and easy.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16
Did you know that God offers us an E-ZPass to Heaven and eternity with Him? Except we don't stick it to the windshield of our car, we accept His son, Jesus into our hearts. We stick Jesus to the inside of our hearts and minds, and the toll-gate for Heaven magically "goes up" for us.
Sound too good to be true? IT IS! But it IS that easy and it IS God's Truth. God sent His Son to pay the price for all of our sins (past, present and future), and if we believe in Him, then the door to Heaven is opened to us.
I have always enjoyed driving: backroads, freeways, and long-distances, but topping my list of life-panic-situations is locating that (darn) Turnpike Ticket as I approach the toll-booth. It is never where I think I left it, and once I had to shamefully tell the toll-booth worker that I could not find it in my vehicle, which results in paying the highest toll.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. ~Ephesians 2:8-9
The illogical and yet accurate truth about God's salvation for us is that we do not have to present any tickets! We do not have earn the "open toll-gate", and there is no amount of money or deeds that could cover the "cost". There is no to-do list of activities, prayers or conditions that God says we must run the gauntlet through before He will love us. He just loves us, and if we accept His love and believe in Him, His gate is open, and regardless of what we have "done", we are in the all-clear.
...he exposed himself to death. He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels. ~Isaiah 53:12
The other amazing and irrational component of God's salvation plan is that Jesus paid our full toll, and we owe nothing. He is sinless and perfect, and even though we were born sinful (rebels)/and we continue to sin...He has paid our toll. God knows that we have "lost our toll ticket", and that we can never present any proof or payment worthy of opening our passage into eternity with Him. And so God gave His own Son as payment for our sins: which was Him paying the highest toll for us.
If you happen to have an E-ZPass in your car, you know the feeling of relief and freedom in slowing down at a toll-booth (but not even having to actually stop!), and then the excitement in seeing the gate-arm rise as you accelerate and pull right through! It's exhilarating! It's also so easy.
These are also all of the emotions associated with knowing Jesus! There is such relief in accepting His forgiveness and love and direction over our lives. We were never meant to carry the burdens of this world alone. God has already achieved victory over our daily battles, and when we accept His love and leadership over our lives, it brings sweet relief!
And just as there is a freedom in blowing-through-the-toll-booth, there is an even greater freedom that covers our life when we realize and absorb that God's love and forgiveness are free to anyone willing to take God up on it! When we admit that we are sinners and ask God into our hearts, He changes our hearts. The closer we draw to him, the more like Him we become (Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...James 4:8) and there is a freedom in shedding the world's ways and status symbols and instead pursuing God's ways. There is freedom in Christ!
There are a few steps involved in purchasing an E-ZPass and then loading some credit onto it for your travels, but then drivers can rest-easy and cruise through toll-areas. Similarly, we have to take the necessary steps to humble ourselves before the Lord and put Him in the driver's seat of our lives, but the process of doing so (initially and on a daily basis) will enable us to enjoy the ride of our lives...and after-lives!
Just for today, let's stick Jesus to the inside of our hearts and minds and enjoy the freedom and relief that He brings.
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