Corona Devo 234
Often, I get so busy being busy that I miss my true calling at-the-moment. I am rushing around cleaning, prepping, washing, packing and in the middle of my rush, I am missing the hush of childhood and teen-hood, and even marriage-hood. Please understand, I am using the word "hush" as a word-picture, because there is actually never a quiet time in our home (yours either?), except when all are tucked in and passed out for a few blessed evening hours. But I mean "hush" as in the current-lull-of-life-stage that each of us are in. You may be in the quiet-hush-calm of your senior years. You may be in a "young-adult hush"--life is fresh and new and yours to explore. Or, like me you may be in a "parental hush", where there is no actual "hush" (ever), but there is activity and exploration and motion and the developing of who our children (or other people's children that we are able to invest in) are becoming/and going-to-be. ...