Corona Devo 231
14 At the foot of the mountain, a large crowd was waiting
for them. A man came and knelt before Jesus and said, 15 “Lord, have mercy on my
son. He has seizures and suffers terribly. He often falls into the fire or into
the water…18 Then
Jesus rebuked the demon in the boy, and it left him. From that moment the boy
was well. ~Matthew 17:14-15, 18
Is it time to get ride of some demons in your life? For some of us reading today, we are “the boy” in these verses.
God knows that we have demons inside that have persisted in bothering our hearts/minds/spirits. Demons of sorrow, demons of purposelessness, demons of guilt, demons of pressure and expectations, demons of grief and more.
They have
tormented us and fed us lies, and ruined our days and nights for too
long. It is time for the demons to
leave, and they can be banished. But we have to be willing to let them go.
The first step is to stop giving the demons control. We can step outside of the trance that they have been holding us in, and it is time to make that change. The Lord Jesus created us, and made us for many purposes, the most important one being to glorify Him. To use the gifts that He gave us (and you have so many gifts) to serve others in His name. We reflect God’s love and care for His people when we are loving and caring for others. That is true love, and the glow that fills us when we get outside of ourselves and help another: that is how God feels about us.
In case you need to be reminded: you are special to God and others. God has a lot of work for us to do before we die. There are many people that will
be touched and blessed by you. But it’s time for us to make a
choice about living our lives. The
sorrow/hurt/pain/and unfairness of life is both unexplainable and
real. But God speaks to us in love when He calls us to begin living
again. For some of us, a part of us died with situation/person/relationship XYZ, but we must make the choice to move
forward, clean up, and begin living life again.
You can do this. But also—only YOU can do this.
Getting mentally-stable/sober/clean/in-the-right-attitude is nothing that we can “do” for anyone else, and
if we pretend that we are “doing” it for anyone else, it will crumble. But you already know that.
Today, some of us are at a crossroads in life, and I pray, that we chose to begin living again. So
many people love and need you. Life is never perfect, but the secret to surviving
is making the best of it, and Jesus guides us on how to do that. We can make
the best of it together.
14 … A man came and knelt before Jesus and said, 15 “Lord, have mercy on my
son” ~Matthew 17:14-15
God sees you
hurting. God sees your struggle. Others are praying for you: “Lord, have mercy on my son”. And the Lord DOES have mercy on us: on our sins and shortcomings. We all have demons inside. We have all
screwed up, and we will continue to make mistakes, but God has mercy on us. God loves us so much. He wants what is best
for us. He doesn’t want us to hurt ourselves or others anymore.
…He has seizures and suffers terribly. He often falls
into the fire or into the water…~Matthew 17:15
I know that for some of us--life's grief/angst/anger/unfairness/pain have caused us to suffer terribly. We have walked through fire, and somehow the fire keeps finding us. We have been burned by people, situations, and by love.
I also know that some have come close to drowning in all of this.
The waters of life and the waves of turbulence can almost overtake us. But we can’t let it.
God sees
you. These next verses describe what is next for you. Please soak up how the story (your story)
Then Jesus rebuked the demon in the boy, and it left
him. From that moment the boy was well. ~Matthew 17:18
If you are ready
to let the demons go, to relinquish any control they have over you, and if you
are ready to let God cleanse your mind, heart and spirit: then Jesus is ready
to DO IT. Jesus is the King of Heaven and our hearts, and He is rebuking the demons inside our mind/heart/and life to GET OUT.
When Jesus
speaks, there are immediate results: And it left him. From that moment the boy
was well. ~Matthew 17:18
Are you ready? Ready to step forward without the
demons of yesterday? No one is
discounting or belittling or minimizing all that we have gone through. But the time has come
for us to make a decision about moving forward and living without the demons.
Starting today and now: our situation has changed and Jesus has rebuked our
demons. They no longer have control over us. Accept the freedom that Christ
brings, and start living for Him today!
I am not exactly sure how that will look, but He will show you. He shows each of us--One day at a
Nothing is
perfect, but life with Jesus changes everything. And life without our demons alters
our course. We can get back on the path
of life, which is isn’t a perfect path, but we are all walking it
together, and with Jesus.
From that moment the boy was well. ~Matthew 17:18
Today is our “moment”. It’s up to us. Jesus has cast out our demons—let’s get on with the business of living life and being well.
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