Corona Devo 218

The day was going fine:  Working, driving, humming, thinking, visiting, prepping; cleaning, even praying.  I was good.  

But then like storm clouds rolling in, I felt the sadness wash over me.  Maybe for you it is anxiety.  And sometimes it is just a huge sense of feeling overwhelmed.  Whatever it was, the weather in my spirit changed, and I felt closed in, heavy, and sad.  

Have you been there?  

For me, the sadness was out-of-the-blue, and about a loss that I really felt I had gained a healthy grip on.  I don't recall a trigger or memory, just a blanketing sense of sorrow settling over me.  

It can also happen that quickly for me with the week's outlook: I am excited about the schedule, the activities, the connections.  And then out-of-nowhere...WHOOSH!  Like a wave crashing over me, I feel frantic, overwhelmed and pressured: sure that it will never all work-out and angry that I have boxed myself in with so many responsibilities.

Have you been there?

It feels dark, foreboding, and scary.  

...Like an army of sadness, stress, worries and busy-ness is advancing and I am scared and unarmed.  

...Like I am staring up at an unsurmountable wall and I cannot gain a foothold, a grip, or any traction.  

You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.
29 In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. ~Psalm 18:28-29

When the storm clouds of life roll in, or the waves of sorrow or stress overtake us, God is near.  God is here.  When our skies darken, when our hearts darken, when our spirit is afraid: You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. (Psalm 18:28).

There is a light in our darkness, and it is Jesus.  He does not leave us to fend-for-ourselves in the dark alleys of loss, questions, daily routine and life roles.  You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. (Psalm 18:28).  He does not take away the darkness, but He gives us a point-of-light within it: Himself.  He lights a lamp for us to see our way out, and Jesus is the way out.  He will shine light on our next steps toward safety, peace and more light.

As the armies of life (in different uniforms every day), march in pursuit of our joy, peace and sanity, we feel unprotected and vulnerable.  The arrows of anxiety, pain, perfectionism and purposelessness pierce us, injure us, and threaten to maim us.  But God gives us strength.  In your strength I can crush an army (Psalm 18:28).  Not in our own strength.  Have we realized that yet?  In Your strength, Lord, we can crush the armies that advance on us.  And let us gain courage and tenacity from God's promise: we will not merely hold our anxiety/sadness/worry at bay, or fend it off for a moment.  No, God promises that with His strength we can crush an army.  Crush.  Stop-the-advancement over our hearts.  Cease the marching over our minds.  

The daily armies may advance, but In your strength I can crush an army. (Psalm 18:29).

And when we feel crumpled in a heap at life's feet, or when the lies of insecurity and worthlessness cripple us, God infuses strength into our weary bodies and gives us the strength to climb out.  With my God I can scale any wall (Psalm 18:29).  We all have walls: sickness, separation, sorrow, pain, panic, isolation, hurt, and more.  These walls can surround us and cut us off from others and the world.  They can contain us and muzzle us.  But these walls do not define us, and With my God I can scale any wall (Psalm 18:29).  

Today is the day to begin scaling our wall and crushing the enemy armies in Christ's strength.  Although darkness can seem to cover us without warning sometimes, God is never blotted out. 

You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.
29 In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. ~Psalm 18:28-29




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