Corona Devo 220

Experiencing Jesus in our lives or sharing Him with others does not have to be a formal, highly-scripted, pomp-and-circumstance type of occurrence.  Indeed, I feel that is almost never is.

We can get caught up in thinking that it should be (formal), or that "strong Christians" would be able to sit down with someone and discuss a full Chapter of the Bible in depth and length.  But who can really do that?  And who do we know that would have their needs met by a lecture?  

In an attempt at a word-picture--that kind of experience would be "draping someone with the full robe of Jesus".  Giving them deep Biblical knowledge, historical references, and explaining all that the Bible says in an intellectual and correct way.  But who (of us) can do that?

Most of us, and many of those that God wants to touch through us, will be changed/touched/have-their -needs-met not by being draped in a full robe of Christian doctrine and advice, but by merely touch(ing) at least the fringe of his robe.

They begged him to let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed. ~Matthew 14:36

Lord, even a small experience with You is life-changing, and I have been on both sides of it: bringing someone to You to touch at least the fringe of (Your) robe, and I myself: weak and broken, slowly extending and at last touch(ing) at least the fringe of his robe.

A couple years ago, in midst of a busy Fall, our kids had a school off-site missions day, where they were dispersed to soup-kitchens, houses of the elderly to rake leaves, and our group was assigned to "clean" the home of a family going through the painful, slow and exhausting process of cancer.  If I am honest, that was a difficult "house" to walk into: not physically, but emotionally.  But God was in the doorway beckoning spiritually.  

My heart broke for the suffering dad, his 3 little girls and the saintly woman attempting to hold herself and their lives together.  They didn't need a scripture lesson, in fact, the kids and I learned so much as this man whose earthly body was deteriorating, spoke to us with sparkling eyes and a vivid hope about the Word of God and how it had shaped his life.   

It still makes me smile to remember the 10 school-children "cleaning" their home, when most of them (my kids included) had never vacuumed or dusted before.  But they tried(!), and we had fun.  And that was God's plan. 

While the family had requested help in cleaning/tidying their home, that was not the need that was met that day.  The kids giggles and chatter, the conversations we shared with this amazing man who was so patient and Jesus-focused, even in his suffering, and the fellowship that I was able to share with his wife: we touch(ed) at least the fringe of his robe (Matthew 14:36).

I believe the light and love of the "cleaning" children brought a healing (for that day) that the family was blessed by:  let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe (Matthew 14:36).

And placing ourselves in a situation where every breath and day together is a gift was very sobering for the children and me to experience.  We touch(edat least the fringe of his robe (Matthew 14:36), and while we went to serve others, they really served us and our spirits.  

"Fringe moments" happen every day in our lives, and I pray that our eyes are open to feel the healing (tiny or tall) that comes through them.  

It is the bike flip that should have caused broken bones or a concussion, but prayer and Jesus created a cushion around that little girl, and she is sore but not injured.  Let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed. ~Matthew 14:36

It is the fundraiser for impoverished kids in Guatemala that had no guidelines or parameters, and yet raised more money than any of the previous (highly organized and efficient) outreaches.  ...Touch at least the fringe of his robe (Matthew 14:36).

It is the ump-teenth sleepless night because of anxious thoughts and racing heartbeats, but as you pray and begin to hum a hymn quietly, your heart slows and you can "feel" Jesus lull you in peace and comfort off to a deep sleep that your body and mind desperately need.  Let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed. ~Matthew 14:36

We don't need...and the world doesn't need uptight and cold religion. 

We, and those that God wants to touch through us, will be changed/touched/have-their -needs-met by merely touch(ing) at least the fringe of his robe.

They begged him to let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed. ~Matthew 14:36

Don't let today slip by without reaching out for the hem of Jesus' robe.  It's all that we need




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