Corona Devo 222

Do we really have any idea how very much our heavenly Father loves us?

Truly--a part of God's heart is bound up in us, and God desires for our lives to be bound up in Him.  

As Genesis describes the close and strong bond of love that Jacob had with his son, Joseph, it touched me.  But as I stepped back from the story, I felt a realization wash over me that this is how God feels about us as His sons and daughters too.

Jacob had a special fondness for Joseph from birth, and when Joseph's brothers sold him to traders and told their father that Joseph had died, Jacob thought Joseph was gone for good.  He grieved and lost a piece of himself in losing his child.  I believe the Lord grieves similarly when we choose to walk away from Him or choose our own will over His.  Our (F)ather’s life is bound up in (Genesis 44:30) us!  He loves us that much!

After Joseph was separated from his dad and family for many years, and he rose to second-in-command under Pharaoh, the brothers came to him seeking food for their families.  All the brothers except one because "Benjamin" was the only other son of Jacob whose mother was Rachel, Jacob's true love.  Jacob would not send Benjamin with the others, because he had lost Joseph and Rachel, and as Judah, Joseph's older brother explained: "Our father’s life is bound up in the boy’s life."  ~Genesis 44:30

Jacob was so emotionally attached to Benjamin in both love and sorrow that he was protecting Benjamin.   Our Heavenly Father is emotionally attached to us in the same way.  I believe most of God's laws and "rules" are to protect us for our own good because he loves us so deeply.   Our (F)ather’s life is bound up in (our) life.  ~Genesis 44:30  

Joseph invited all of his brothers, their families and his father to come to the land of Egypt, where he would see to it that they had plenty of food and land, and he would make sure they were provided for during the famine.  Jacob was quite old (130 years), but he went with his family caravan.  Along the way God gave Jacob a vision, encouraging the move and comforting him.  “I am God, the God of your father,” the voice said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your family into a great nation. I will go with you down to Egypt, and I will bring you back again. You will die in Egypt, but Joseph will be with you to close your eyes.”  ~Genesis 46:3-4

Isn't that last part the most beautiful thing to imagine?  If there is one thing certain in life, it is that one day we will all die.  How very beautiful would it be to have a promise from God that one of our cherished loved ones will be with you to close your eyes.  I do not fear death (I pray that you do not either, as it is the beginning of eternal life with Jesus!), but to envision my last breaths spent peacefully with loved ones is soothing to my mind and spirit.  And God knew how very much Jacob loved Joseph, and how very much he had missed him this many years that they had been separated.  Jacob knew that his time on earth was nearing an end, but God touched him in a special way by promising Joseph's presence when he died.  God knows us.  He sees our hearts and our deepest desires, and it delights our Heavenly Father to bless (and comfort) His children.  Jacob's "promise" of death is very encouraging and comforting to me.  I hope it can be for you as well.

The images and conversations of Jacob and Joseph's reunion after many lost years are so touching, which is why these scriptures gripped me.  I also clearly see them as parallels for how God feels about us as His children.  Whether we feel "close" or "far" from our Heavenly Father today: please put yourself in this embrace:

When Joseph arrived, he embraced his father and wept, holding him for a long time. 30 Finally, Jacob said to Joseph, “Now I am ready to die, since I have seen your face again and know you are still alive.”  ~Genesis 46:29-30 

In the middle of your marriage--feel your Heavenly Father embrac(ing) you and it's okay to weep.  Feel God holding (you) for a long time.

In the middle of your anxiety--feel your Heavenly Father embrac(ing) you and it's okay to weep.  Feel God holding (you) for a long time.

In the middle of your search for a life-calling--feel your Heavenly Father embrac(ing) you and it's okay to weep.  Feel God holding (you) for a long time.

In the middle of your parenting--feel your Heavenly Father embrac(ing) you and it's okay to weep.  Feel God holding (you) for a long time.

In the middle of right now--feel your Heavenly Father embrac(ing) you and it's okay to weep.  Feel God holding (you) for a long time.

Y'all--God loves us so much.  His life is bound up in us, and I pray for you and me today that our lives are bound up in Him.

Do we really have any idea how very much our heavenly Father loves us?




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