Corona Devo 262

Are we feeling low today?  Heavy?  Worn-down?  Worn out?

Not that we want a pity-party, because we don't.  But it all adds up, it all wears us down, it all compounds, and once in a while we find ourselves sitting in it.  What is "it"?  Well, that is defined differently by me and by you (and from day to day).  But we all get bogged down by "it" once in a while.  

This isolation wears on us (we weren't meant to be alone--we were made for community!).  

Or the "community" within our homes or workplaces gets to us.  Relationships are hard, and when you don't have space from some of them, it can be draining (to say the least). 

Or the news cycle/circus has either depressed or frightened us enough to make us question everything we thought we knew about normal life in the United States.

It's enough already.  Some days, we just need protection from all of it.  I'd like to be hid away in a shelter.  

We may feel alone and panicked and cut off from the Lord today.  But we are not.  


19 How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you.   You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world. ~Psalm 31:19

This isn't wishful thinking or a fairy tale.  This is God's word, spoken over us, His children.  We do have holy fear and reverence for Him and His authority over our lives, and He promises us protection.  

God knows our innermost thoughts: He knows our struggles and our bad days.  He knows that there is badness that surrounds us and weighs us down, but He promises to lavish (goodness) on those who come to (Him) for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

Sit in that verse for a moment.  "Life" can weigh and bog us down very heavily some days, but God relinquishes the weight that has been bearing down on us.  Persevere.  His goodness will come.  Infact, if we can see through the "it" that is burdening us, His goodness may be right in front of us, waiting to be noticed.

20 You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them.  You shelter them in your presence, far from accusing tongues.  ~Psalm 31:20

Picture yourself in the shelter of God's presence, like being tucked away in a mountainside cave high and removed, or like chicks under a mother's wing.  Away from the accusing tongues of others/of ourselves/and of the evil one.  Do not buy into the accusations.  The Lord hide(s) us in the shelter of (His) presence, and we are safe from those who conspire against (us), even if that is us.  

21 Praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love.  He kept me safe when my city was under attack.

22 In panic I cried out, “I am cut off from the Lord!”  But you heard my cry for mercy
    and answered my call for help.  ~Psalm 31:21-22

Lord, forgive us for our lack of faith, and for our times of panic when we doubt Your presence.  

The "it" swells up around us (and within us), and our "city" feels "under attack".  We may feel cut off, but that is our inadequacy of trust in You.  You are near.  And you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help (Psalm 31:22).  And for this we praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love (Psalm 31:21)

23 Love the Lord, all you godly ones!  For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant.  24 So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!  ~Psalm 31:23-24

The heaviness we feel and the faith-worn-thin exhaustion is real.  The weight of life, surroundings, change, and people accosts us, accuses us and results in us seeking protection from it all.  

God provides our respite.  He is our respite.  Love Him, all you godly ones!  

In the shadows of the hard days, shine this light: the Lord protects those who are loyal to him.  We are loyal to Him.  We can be loyal to Him.  We will be loyal to Him.

Be reassured of the goodness, protection and blessing that God promises and provides for us when we are worn-down or feeling low.  He gives us shelter, where we can regroup and gather our strength, which comes from Him.  So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!  (Psalm 31:24)

And then we can be ready for the world again.  Well, maybe we can't take on the whole world, but we can be ready for our little world that surrounds us day to day.   In Christ we can rise up from the accusations and heaviness, and be strong and courageous.

How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you.  You lavish it on those who come to you for protection... ~Psalm 31:19

Lavish your goodness on us today, Lord.




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