Corona Devo 279

12 Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?

13 Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!

14 Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.  ~Psalm 34:12-14

Almost as if right on cue, the Bible is giving us tips for how to get along with people, family, and others.  How did Jesus know that we will soon be visiting, spending time, meals and conversations with friends and relations?  And how did He know that I am apt to "blow it" with something that I say?

Well, they don't call Him Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) for nothing.  Jesus is (and seeks to be) all of these roles in our hearts, our days and our lives, and following Him is for our own good and leads to a life and relationships that are long and prosperous.

And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor... (Isaiah 9:6)

Jesus, I thank you for your counsel into our lives, our families, and our relationships with others. Your words-of-advice (The Bible) are Wonderful, and your Word counsels us on relating well and reflecting the example You lived out with others.  

And he will be called...Mighty God... (Isaiah 9:6)

Mighty God, we praise you FOR family, and for the blessing of community, love, and the bond that family provides.  We praise you for being Mighty and sovereign over our families, our relationships, and our entire lives.  You are Mighty, and You have control and dominion over everything, including our family interactions.  Let us allow You that Mighty reign over our thoughts, emotions and tongues.  

And he will be called...Everlasting Father... (Isaiah 9:6)

Our Father, which art in Heaven calls Himself our Everlasting Father.  Not a temporary father, a fair-weather father, a works-based father, a condemning father, but our Everlasting Father.  Always our Dad, and always imparting the lessons of a loving Father, (which can include discipline): our Everlasting Father will never abandon us, even if (at times or stages) we abandon Him.  

Lord, show us and lead us to be Your good, obedient, and kind children as we interact with others.

And he will be called...Prince of Peace ... (Isaiah 9:6)

Lord, there is no other title that would be a better reminder of the attitude that you have prescribed to us, Your followers.  We are not to be warriors of (our) opinions, or judges of other's character and choices.  You go before us as the Prince of Peace, and at the dinner table or seated around the living room, we are in Your Royal Family of Peacemakers, falling in step behind our Prince.

Your example and lead are clear and bold.  The how-to-live-it is printed on the pages of the Bible, and the how-to-love-it/others should be printed on the pages of our hearts.  Lord, this Season, let us be Your princesses and princes of peace when interacting with others.

What then, does this all look like at a family or friend gathering (or tonight at the supper table)?  And what does following the advice our of Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace yield in our lives and our relationships with others?  Is there benefit?  

See for yourself what God says:  

12 Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?

13 Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!

14 Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.  ~Psalm 34:12-14

The truth is, we do want to live long and prosperous lives.  The forecast may be a bit gloomy with covid and politics hanging around like dark storm clouds, but we still want to enjoy the lives God gave us and see our babies and grandbabies grow up!  Yes, Lord, we do want to live a life that is long and prosperous, and so we are listening: what say You about how to achieve this?

Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies! (Psalm 34:13).

This could apply to so many areas of our lives, but as the holidays and family gatherings loom, I feel like Jesus is speaking directly into our (devious) hearts about watching what flows (erupts!) from our lips when loved ones are gathered.  

I value and love my family so much, but somehow and someway some-selfishness always creeps in and I end up saying the wrong thing (blurting!), or defaming (gossiping) someone with my words. I am praying for His command to settle over me and my lips.

Turn away from evil and do good.  ~Psalm 34:14

Lord. the temptations will be there.  In side-comments and difficult personalities.  Guard our hearts from impatience and gird our hearts with grace and love.  This is why You were born to a humble manger and then hung on a dirty cross: to bring and teach us grace and love.  They are the opposite of choosing evil.  

Heavenly Father, show us the good to do and may we be willing to do it.

God's Word and message are always right on time, and as we gear up our hearts (and zip our lips) for the Season, I am grateful for our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), who speaks Truth into our lives just in time for the holiday hub-bub and social gatherings.




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