Corona Devo 290
Have you ever been expecting the commotion of a situation or preparing for the friction of life, only to be sweetly surprised by the opposite?
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ~Matthew 5:9
All of us are different, with varying perspectives and opinions, bias' and upbringings. The truth is, if we are honest, often our natural tendency is to clash with others because by nature we differ in so many ways.
This has always been true, but add our current political and Covid opinions/stances into the mix, and there can be tense talk and situations where we don't see eye to eye with others.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ~Matthew 5:9
But have you had the good fortune to be around someone who brings peace to the table, even while others are setting it for discord?
Are we one of those people?
God calls them peacemakers, and He also calls them His children. I want to be both.
I was blessed to be with a peacemaker recently, and this verse became almost tangible as I was in their midst.
Peace Maker. A peacemaker works to make peace, because I think we can all agree--it's not easy to connect with people sometimes. But there is blessing in it, both from God and in how it blesses others. Peacemakers are blessed and they are a blessing.
While with our peacemaker the other day, the awkward silences or cool stand-offs were bridged by kind comments and inviting conversation. It is very hard to refuse love, and a peacemaker speaks in love. Indeed, it is evident that they must be speaking out-of-love because their well-of-words can only flow from love, as self-focus doesn't permit such efforts. They seem unaffected by the detours of hardened-hearts, and they press forward in a uniting march that is led by love. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ~Matthew 5:9
Yes, it is a treat to sit by a peacemaker at the dinner table, in the office, or anywhere. They share themselves so warmly that it melts even icy hearts, and as Jesus knew (and taught us), few people can walk away from unabashed love and acceptance. A peacemaker offers both. There is not judgement or retaliation in their words or heart, but instead an intention to bring peace by connecting with others. It is quite special to experience and refreshing.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ~Matthew 5:9
The truth is, I've run into a few peacemakers lately, and each time their methods of delivering peace "wow" me, even though there is nothing loud or attention-seeking about them.
The atmosphere of peace is often not what naturally settles over a group, a family, or a gathering, and so when a peacemaker "goes to work" they can change an entire dynamic with their presence, their words and their actions--as they make peace.
I have seen both children and adults fulfill this role, and we should be fulfilling this role of peacemaker, for they will be called children of God (Matthew 5:9).
How do the peacemakers do it? How do we do it?
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings... ~Isaiah 52:7
Isaiah's advice is pretty much spot on. Peacemakers step away from the bummer beat. They separate themselves from most of the world by bring(ing) good news...proclaim(ing) peace...bring(ing) good tidings... (Isaiah 52:7).
Who else is doing (bringing/proclaiming) these things lately? Today? What if we do?
Peacemakers are a blessing for many reasons, one of the biggest being the huge relief and refreshment that a message of peace brings during these times/days.
Today, let's be a peacemaker. Today, let's make peace.
It takes effort but the soothing of situations/stances/hearts brings blessing to others, us, and God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ~Matthew 5:9
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