Corona Devo 293

It might be the time of year or perhaps just my state-of-mind, but I find myself taking stock of where I am (emotionally, spiritually, physically), and thinking about what's next and around the bend. What will be our plan for the coming Year? What regimen will be most beneficial?

And in the same timeframe of me looking around and within for direction and grounding came these verses from my Bible. Like stakes anchoring the tent of my soul, Psalm 37 pounded in God's grounding for us today and in the days to come.

3 Trust in the Lord and do good.  Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. ~Psalm 37:3

Today, tomorrow, and forever, God keeps it simple and crystal clear: Trust in the Lord and do good.  He is in charge and we can Trust in the Lord. Let Him lead us today. And once we submit our will and ways to Him, do good. My daughter shared with me just today that the way to feel j-o-y is to "serve Jesus, Others, and then Yourself". Her best friend taught her this, and these 10-year-olds are right--true joy will never come in satisfying ourselves. But it will radiate throughout our spirit and life if we do good by serving the Lord and others.

Trust in the Lord and do good (Psalm 37:3) This is such a simple phrase, but what if it defined the next year of our lives? What if it defined us today?

And with the problems in the world today (pandemic/political/moral) worry and stress are concerns for our hearts, and God knows that. He advises on how to combat the worries of the world: Trust in the Lord and do good.  Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. ~Psalm 37:3

If we can trust Him, we will be okay. I am not sure how the coming days and months will play out, but we can believe God and take Him at His Word. We can cling to His promise that you will live safely in the land and prosper, and we can walk confidently into our tomorrows wearing this banner over us.

4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. ~Psalm 37:4

This verse is not putting God into a genie bottle; it is quite the opposite actually. When we submit to delighting ourselves in Him/His Word/His ways, then our wills are changed and melded into becoming more like Him. When we focus on God, the rest of the world and it's frivolities become less important, and He becomes More. Which is perfect, because God is more than anything else we could ever take delight in.

The second half of this verse is nothing like getting 3 wishes or sitting on Santa's lap, it is more. The Lord knit us together in our mother's womb (Psalm 139:13) so you better believe that he knows what brings our heart and souls pleasure. He knows us and when He brings a desire of our heart it is intimate, special, and more valuable than any material gift that we could receive. I hope that you know what I mean and have a few life examples of your own.

Psalm 37:4 is a special verse. It is almost like a riddle that must be decoded. Only by delighting ourselves in the Lord will we experience the blessings of Him giving us the desires of our hearts. According to God, we will not achieve the second without participating in the first. It is both a beautiful and complicated dynamic.

This verse worked it's way into my husband's heart over a decade ago and our business and product bear it's name (Thirtyseven4). Psalm 37:4 has literally become a life-verse and life-proof of God's provision for our family, our livelihood, and our faith.

The regimen within these words is a time-tested plan for living-for-the-Lord, and as we look down the barrel of an unknown year, here is powerful scripture to ground us while at the same time set-us-free (in Christ!). Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. ~Psalm 37:4

God's word and advice is often so simple, and yet so complex.  Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust him, and he will help you. ~Psalm 37:5

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Really? Is that all? that even possible?! Everything? My thinking, my planning, my job, my marriage, my parenting, my worries, my...everything? Commit all of that to the Lord? Yes.

Trust him, and he will help you. ~Psalm 37:5

                    Trust him in 2021, and he will help you.

                    Trust him today, and he will help you.

                    Trust him right now, and he will help you.

3 Trust in the Lord and do good.  Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust him, and he will help you. ~Psalm 37:3-5

This is our plan for today and the new Year!




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