Corona Devo 312

Some things are just made to go together. Like doughnuts and coffee.

So many sweet treats pair well with coffee, but none better than doughnuts, especially when they are dunked and the coffee and doughnut become one. It is an interconnected, symbiotic and beautiful thing.

My husband asked me out on a date the other day. This is not a rare occurrence, but with the perpetuation of quarantines and the reality of 3 kids and their schedules, it is also not a run-of-the-mill happenstance, so I was excited.

We have discovered a local doughnut cafe that dips delicious fry-cakes with icings, mini-chocolate chips, Fruity Pebbles, you-name-it. And it is Christian owned and operated--which makes it all the more delicious! I can't think of many things on this earth that I enjoy more than coffee, doughnuts and my husband (not necessarily in that order).

For those of us who are married and have kids, it's quite easy to breeze (or trudge) from one marital and parental responsibility to the next, without stopping to remember and appreciate the origin of our union with our spouse.

By "origin", let's consider a few things. Take a few seconds to remember the origin (beginnings) of your relationship with your spouse. There were sparks. There were flames. And there was a fire of love that caught hold and led to marriage. That connection never goes away. But if we get distracted by life and stop fanning the flames, they disipate.

Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.  23 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”  24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.  ~Genesis 2:22-24

When joined in marriage, a man and a woman become one. It is an interconnected, symbiotic and beautiful thing.

Consider for a moment the "origin" of the first marriage--Adam and Eve. God created them for each other. Remember again (for possibly the first time in a long time) that God created us for our spouse, and created our spouse for us. Marriage was God's idea, and when the love and respect of marriage is properly shared, it is an interconnected, symbiotic and beautiful thing. (Like doughnuts and coffee.)

Within a marriage, a man is joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Have you felt that way lately with your spouse? Joined. Together, united, on-the-same-page? Why?

Or a better question may be "Why not"?

We can be disjoined for many reasons, but one of the most prevalent causes is also the most avoidable--lack of priority.

As my dunked doughnut soaked up coffee, I soaked up my husband's thoughts. And he then in turn soaked up mine. As we invested in each other, I felt the flame of our fire that the Lord had kindled between us so many years ago. I realized/was reminded/was refreshed in what God means (and meant) when He said that a man is joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).

"One flesh" doesn't mean we will think and feel the same about everything. But God created us differently for a reason. He never intended for us to be the same person, He intended for us to join. To connect our opinions and ideas and to become one flesh together. That means patience and compromise and choosing to join.

We have to get together (mentally/spiritually/physically and emotionally) in the midst of busy days and busy lives in order to remember what it means when a man is joined to his wife, and how gratifying it is to connect our ideas and hearts to live-out what it means to become one flesh.

It is an interconnected, symbiotic and beautiful thing. Like doughnuts and coffee.

It doesn't have to be a tropical week away. It doesn't have to be a night out at a fancy restaurant.

It can be as simple as a doughnut and coffee, or a listening ear. That's all it takes to remember our origins (and God's) about marriage, and that some things are just made to go together. Like a husband and wife.

And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”  (24) Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.  ~Genesis 2:23-24




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