Corona Devo 322

(3) Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me.  Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

(4) There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:3-4







Do any of these words describe your mental, physical, or spiritual landscape today?

There seems to be so much clutter in my mind, my home, and even in my relationships lately that I cannot concentrate!  

When the stacks pile up around us (mail/laundry/bills/shoes/dishes) they seem to suck the joy from us.  We feel like a hummingbird buzzing from mess to mess, but they never disappear!  Instead we just get exhausted.  

(3) Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me.  Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

(4) There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:3-4

Or perhaps our dishevelment is health-related.  The treatments continue.  The sickness hangs on. The addiction has sunk its teeth in and we can't shake it.  The depression and heaviness have pinned us down before the sun even rises.  We cannot get on top of our day, our afflictions, or our thoughts.

(3) Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me.  Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

(4) There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:3-4

Maybe the chaos is not actually ours, but it affects someone we care deeply for, and so the ripple-effect is draining our energy and possibly our hope.  

(3) Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me.  Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

(4) There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:3-4

Today I make a proposal that God may be involved in a major renovation and we are smack-dab in the middle of the messy and cluttered stage of it.

The outcome of the renovation will be beneficial, beautiful, positive.  But (as we are emotionally experiencing) we are nowhere near there yet.  

If you are redoing a room or area in your home, it has to be emptied before the renovation can begin.  The clearing is tedious, messy, box-filling, pile-making and overwhelming. Living in the mess-of-it can be debilitating! 

And if you (like me) feel that you are nowhere near the finished project yet, then today can feel: 







Consider today that God may be doing a major renovation in your heart.   He has to clear an area to work.  Your norms are getting pushed aside.  Your routines have been interrupted.  Your faith is being stretched.  And it can feel like a bother or a complete emotional drain.  But let God guide you through today's mess:  

(3) Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me.  Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

(4) There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:3-4

Tomorrow, soon, in due time, we will have a testimony about the outcome of the renovation being beneficial, beautiful, and positive.  

But today we live in the middle of the mess.  We tackle the dishevelment, the disorganization, the discontent, the distractions and the chaos.  But we never tackle it alone.  

(3) Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me.  Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

(4) There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:3-4

I pray that we can sense/feel/accept/believe that God is with us in the middle of our chaos today.  We can seek His light and truth even when we are surrounded by darkness and untruth.  God will guide us.  

The disappearance of clutter and messes in our lives are not where our joy will come from.

The tidying of diagnoses, piles and relationships in our lives are not where our joy will come from.

Today I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.  ~Psalm 43:4




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