Corona Devo 349
I had the privilege of being in a big, old church yesterday.
Gorgeous stained glass windows. Ornate carvings on pillars. Flying buttresses (they sound funny, but look amazing!), Biblical moments and stories depicted by mosaics and pictures. It was overwhelming in a glorious way. Old churches have beauty, history, and a sense of....
As I sat in service I tried to put my finger on it. A sense of what...?
Then I realized that this old church was providing a beautiful and historical reminder of what all churches represent in our lives: Stability. Community. The cycle-of-life. And the strength we draw from those that we go through life with.
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. ~Matthew 16:18
What Jesus "started" with Peter, has spread like wildfire generation after generation since. I pray we have a fire for Christ and His Church burning in our hearts today.
Churches are the buildings that "house" the Christian family that surrounds us through the years. While I drank in the traditional religious decor of the "old" church, I also know that regardless of the interior design of a church, it is the people (God's people) that make it a place of stability, comfort, celebration, and truth.
It is God's house first (and most importantly). We gather in church to worship Him and no matter what the walls, windows, pews/seats, or pulpit look like, or are decorated (or not decorated) with--God is the focal-point of church. And yet as an offspring of our devotion in attending church to worship Him, a community forms. A sense of like-mindedness, or should I say like-soulness, that is founded on the principals of Christ, but extends into relationships, empathy and support. People within a church family "do" life together, and that has always been God's plan for us.
Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. (21) We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. ~Ephesians 2:20-21
Together---we ARE His house. The church is the house of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. Our history as the family of God (and the church of God) is thousands of years old, and the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. Worshiping together, sharing joys and sorrows together---joins us together. And when followers of Christ are carefully joined together in him (we) become a holy temple for the Lord. The church building houses us, but we make the church.
As I sat in the back of this grandiose old church, I thought about all of the life-milestones that occur in our church buildings. Consider all of the babies that are christened/dedicated/baptized (depending on your denomination), picture all of the couples that are wed, and muse upon all of the funerals that celebrate the end of an earthly life and the beginning of an eternal one. All of these often take place within a church building, but each experience is deepened because it is experienced/joined-in-joy/shared-in-grief by our church family. The joys are brighter and the grief is lighter because the family of Christ gathers with us for them.
It all happens in church. It doesn't matter which church. Centuries-old and ornate, or contemporary, minimalistic and loud...and every house-of-worship in between--just find a church that preaches God's word soundly and plug in. It (and the people within its walls) will change your life and the depth of your life. That was God's plan from the beginning. We weren't made to be strangers...
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household... ~Ephesians 2:19
A word to those of us who have been hurt by someone in the church (which is most likely all of us): no church is perfect because...they are all comprised of us. People who try, but short--sinners. But (again) God knew that. He wants us there anyway. Sometimes we are the ones that offend, behave hypocritically, or are quick to judge. God knew that. He wants us there anyway:
Consequently, you are...fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household... ~Ephesians 2:19
God's church and God's people are fallible, and they will fail us. We will fail others. But that is family, right? And because we are members of his household, we emulate Christ in forgiveness and it is patterned for us by others in His husehold.
Regardless of the age or decor of the building, I pray that we have a church to belong to. And if not, it is time. The joys are brighter and the grief is lighter when the family of Christ gathers with us for them.
Together, we are his house... ~Ephesians 2:20
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