Corona Devo 351

As our car sped down the highway the other day, I watched as we approached a lone hawk sitting high and proud in the top of a leafless tree.  

My eyes followed him as we rushed by and I was surprised to see that construction vehicles were cutting limbs and branches only a few trees down from where he was perched.  

And yet, the hawk had been stoic.  Still.  Calm.  Unhurried and unaffected by his surroundings, and at peace.  

Even with the change/transition/progress (or regression!) that was occurring around him, that hawk was doing what he and his bird-ancestors have done year after year ever since the day they were created by their Creator.  He was being a hawk.

Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” (21) So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird—each producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good. (22) Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply. Let the fish fill the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.”  ~Genesis 1:20-22

God created birds, including this hawk to be birds.  To live and fly and reproduce (with their same kind.  God put His laws of nature in place at the birth of Creation, and woe to us that attempt to change and alter His laws.  We offset the natural balance of life and God's intended outcome of well-being when we do.)

God created all things, and He created them with purpose.  Let the waters swarm with fish and Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind (Genesis 1:20).  Let the birds be birds, and let the fish be fish.  And let us (humans) be who God created us to be as well.  

The dramatic opposing image of the still and silent hawk perched only yards away from where his surroundings were being altered (chopped down!) drew a parallel in my mind to us living in today's world.  

God created you and me with a purpose and He gave us unique gifts to serve Him and others with.  And yet, when change comes, or an altering-of-our-environment/situation/circumstance-- are we resilient and calm like the hawk atop the tree, or are we fluttering everywhere in an exasperated state, exhausting ourselves and those around us?     

That hawk in the tree had some trouble near him/around him/threatening him.  The trees in his surrounding area were being cut down or "trimmed", removing some of the stable places that he may have called home, or had taken respite on.

Do we ever feel that way?  Like society/manners/traditions/laws/Christian freedoms that have surrounded us are being cut down or "trimmed"?  Do you feel like some of our stable foundations/laws/traditions/and social mores are being removed?  Many days I feel that much of the stability that I was surrounded with is being cut away.  

There is and will always be trouble threatening our ways-of-life and our attitudes.  But God made us in His image and He made us resilient.  He has also overcome the trouble, whatever form it takes for us today.  

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  ~John 16:33

God knew there would be trouble, (are you experiencing it today?)  But He promises us His peace.  

I have realized that God's peace is not just a warm, fuzzy blanket that He drapes over our shoulders.  There is a power and strength and resilience that comes from knowing and receiving God's peace in the midst of our troubles.  God is in-charge and sovereign over any change that comes into our lives, or any altering-of-our-environment/situation/circumstances.  

Clinging to God and His promises, and being who He created us to be will mean the difference between living in resilience and calm like the hawk atop the tree, or fluttering everywhere in an exasperated state, exhausting ourselves and those around us.

I don't know about you, but I am tired of fluttering.  I am ready to be perched in peace, regardless of the change/transition/progress (or regression!) that is occurring around us.  Let's be who we were created in Christ's image to be.   

Heavenly Father, we praise you for the creation of the animals, the birds and us.  If we stay focused on being who you made us to be we can enjoy stability, still, calm in You.  Today may we be like a stoic hawk: unhurried and unaffected by our changing surroundings and at peace.




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