Corona Devo 371
What was the crowd thinking when Jesus was being interrogated before His death? Even though they had no facts to convict Him, the tide and crowd turned against Jesus, and it got ugly.
Then some of them began to spit at him, and they blindfolded him and beat him with their fists. “Prophesy to us,” they jeered. And the guards slapped him as they took him away. ~Mark 14:65
Who would do that? Who would say those things to Jesus (the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world ~John 1:29)?
Who were those people in the crowd and how could the guards physically treat our Savior that way?
There is a faithful side to us that shakes our heads at these people who mocked and disdained Jesus. There is a judgemental side of us that wags a finger at these people.
We would never. The physical and verbal accosting of Jesus seems a far-fetched scenario to imagine ourselves a part of.
Or is it?
As we remember the steps that Jesus took toward the cross, it is good to be refreshed on our impurities that drove Him there. We are also the ones that are guilty and just as Peter betrayed Jesus 3 times the night before Jesus was crucified, we also betray The King of Kings with our words and actions.
Forgive us, Lord. None of us are worthy of you. Not one of us.
All have turned away; all have become useless. No one does good, not a single one.” ~Romans 3:12
God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. (3) But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one! ~Psalm 53: 2-3
These are sobering verses, but they are healthy reminders that we are only fooling ourselves if we place ourselves on a religious pedestal. When we pretend that we would never, or that we are not "like" these people who dishonored Jesus, we are blaspheming God in our own way.
“Prophesy to us,” they jeered. ~Mark 14:65
This phrase sounds so taunting and shallow. At first glance, it reminds me of school kids yelling out a dare to the one that they bully. Like the other actions and words against Jesus that night, it seems distant, and unlike anything I would connect myself to in relation to Jesus.
“Prophesy to us,” they jeered. (Mark 14:65)...
But many times our hearts shout this exact idea to Jesus, perhaps just with different words. We too, jeer Jesus with the same angry, bitter statement: "Prophesy to us".
Prophesy: to speak as if divinely inspired/ to give instruction in religious matters/ preach/ to make a prediction (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).
We want to know why? Why the cancer? Why the sorrow? Why the loss?
Why the unfairness? Why the success of others? Why the loneliness?
“Prophesy to us,” they jeered. ~Mark 14:65
We want to know what and who. Prophesy to us. What (job, home, car, career, decision, hope) is next in our lives? Who will be connected to us as we live this day and tomorrow? Prophesy to us.
We want to know. And like the crowd around Jesus, we want the answer now. Consider the frustrating people and situations in our lives. What is the point of them? Why must we be subject to them? We pray and lay them down before the Lord, but if you are like me, you also have times of faltering and impatience and fatigue, at which point I just want the answer: “Prophesy to us,” they jeered. (Mark 14:65).
Ooooh, what initially came across to me as an angry mob harassing Jesus quickly became a convicting phrase that defines our fickle faith too often. “Prophesy to us,” they jeered. (Mark 14:65).
Heavenly Father, as we seek to draw near to You, it is natural that our imperfections will become more obvious as we approach the Perfection that is You. Even our best efforts are tainted by sin and self-seeking. Forgive us, Lord. And change us. Let the revealing of our corruption create a yearning for purity within us, and may You bring that purity. Father, make us more like You.
Remove the "jeer" in our voice when we ask for Your will (“Prophesy to us,” -Mark 14:65) and replace it with an authentic desire to hear from You about the direction of our lives. Not one of us "does good", but You do, Lord. And You redeem us.
We pray for You to prophesy over our actions and words today (to speak as if divinely inspired/ to give instruction in religious matters/ preach/ to make a prediction ~Merriam-Webster Dictionary), and we pledge to be faithful in reaction. Forgive us for our fear, which can create our jeers. Enlarge our faith today, Jesus. We are Yours: Prophesy to us.
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