Corona Devo 410
A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout. ~Proverbs 11:22
Such a strange image, isn't it? And "Ouch", I hear You speaking it to us today, Lord.
A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout. ~Proverbs 11:22
We can "appear" and "present ourselves" as beautiful in so many ways to others. Outwardly beautiful: as in beautiful hair, beautiful figure, beautiful skin, beautiful clothing, and even status can appear "beautiful".
But have you ever had someone nullify all of that "beauty" the moment they opened their mouth or the second they succumbed to an activity that was anything but beautiful? Forgive us for the times when it has been us, Lord.
And believe me, there have been those times. Too many of them.
In those lapses, we lack discretion, and we devalue the "gold ring" that God has given us as His followers.
Discretion: the quality of having or showing good judgment/ behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information/ the result of separating or distinguishing.
We may "look the part", pray-for-the-part, or work hard to strive-for-the-part, but regardless of how we "appear", our heart will be found out through our thoughts, words and actions.
Wisdom gives us discretion, but it comes from somewhere... Getting close to Jesus is ultimately what gives us discretion. And God's discretion in our lives makes us beautiful.
A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout. ~Proverbs 11:22
Do you know what a pig's snout does? It ruts around in mud and rustles through muck looking for a morsel.
We have to stop doing that.
That's us without God's filter on our minds, mouths and movements. Jesus promised and secured the "gold ring" for us. He was beaten, mocked and crucified to make the "gold ring" of Heaven and salvation available to us. He's right here. But we fall to indiscretion.
It may be gossip, it may be criticism, it may be jealousy, it may be plain-old-meanness--and we have to stop rutting around in it. A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout. ~Proverbs 11:22 Lord, help us to stay "beautiful" in You today.
God's presence and saving grace makes us beautiful. We are pure with Him. We are solid with Him. We are precious and strong (like gold) with Him. But we have to be good stewards of our treasure and ourselves. We are this beautiful gold ring in Christ. But we devalue our God-given-value when we digress in thought, word and deed. We can become like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.
In Christ, and with his discretion, we can do better than that today. In Him, we are golden. Let's choose not to stick our snouts in the muck today.
Make us "beautiful" for You and in You today, Lord.
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