Corona Devo 437
Have you ever had the privilege of being a part of the "inner circle"?
Maybe at work the boss confided in you about upcoming plans or asked your advice on the next initiative.
Or maybe you are in weekly Bible Study with the pastor and/or his wife.
In "Hamilton" the play, Aaron Burr was often frustrated because Alexander Hamilton always seemed to win out and wind up a member of the "inner circle" with George Washington and others that that made decisions, and Burr lamented that all he wanted was (just once!) "to be in the room where it happened". Burr desperately wanted to be invited to the inner circle.
We all have some level of desperation (whether surface or buried) to be invited to the "inner circle".
Many times we feel like we are on the outside of a closed (social/emotional/intellectual/physical) circle.
And how about a show-of-hands for any of us that have felt "on the outside" spiritually? Mine is raised high.
How can we be "in the room where it happens" with God?
Moses was.
Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. (8) And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrances to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent. (9) As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses.... (11) The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. -Exodus 33:7-11
There was not anything unusually special about Moses, except that He loved the Lord and when God called on him, he accepted the challenge.
Just as Moses was able to "get alone" with God and speak to Him face to face, as one speaks to a friend, we can too.
What do you think about that? Do you believe it?
We are in God's "inner circle".
There is nothing that God desires more than to "meet" with us "some distance away" from all of our worries/to-do-lists/fears/and worldly distractions.
Your “tent of meeting” may be your living room, your kitchen table, a blanket-on-the-lawn, or the floor of your closet with the door closed. It can be anywhere, but when we make an effort to connect with God, He opens the door and we can walk right into His inner circle.
We don't have to earn the "Inner circle" status with God. He has paid the full-admission price for us. And unlike a business meeting at work with the boss, or a discussion with our pastor: we do not need to be dressed appropriately, use big words, or worry about losing our spot on the "inner circle" roster. We are rostered in God's inner circle forever.
And the very best part? He calls us friend.
The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. -Exodus 33:7-11
Moses was just like you and me and God spoke to Him, as one speaks to a friend. God will speak with us, as one speaks to a friend.
He speaks to us lovingly but with accountability, as one speaks to a friend.
We can pour out our heart to Him during our lowest valleys, as one speaks to a friend.
God celebrates our victories and accomplishments in pure joy alongside of us, as one speaks to a friend.
Whether we admit it or not, we all have a desperation within our soul to connect, to belong, to have purpose, and to be a part of an "inner circle". The biggest lesson I ever learned was that none of the "other" inner circles matter. We have a friend in God, and being in His inner circle changes our perspective and our lives.
He is waiting expectantly for us today, in any "tent of meeting" place that we desire, and He looks forward to speaking with us, as one speaks to a friend.
Welcome to the Inner Circle.
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