Corona Devo 441
And all the people in the region of the Gerasenes begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone, for a great wave of fear swept over them. ~Luke 8:37
Have you ever experienced the shock and awe and power of God?
The "people in the region" had heard about what Jesus was doing, but they did not know what to do with the actual experience of Jesus getting involved/changing a life/and making "wrong" right---right before their eyes.
Have you ever experienced the shock and awe and power of God in someone's life? In your own life?
Are we actually ready to receive it when it happens?
Or have we become accustomed-to/comfortable-with/and even accepting-of inappropriate and ungodly behavior and beliefs in our own "region"?
The man, who was possessed by demons, had been living in a cemetery outside the town for a long time (Luke 8:27).
The people were used to him. His antics were a little scary, but the people in the region had learned-to-live-with-him. They "turned their heads" from him, and they "allowed" his persisting presence. They became accustomed-to/comfortable-with and even accepting-of the man's inappropriate and ungodly behavior and beliefs.
And when Jesus showed up and corrected things, they were not ready to accept Him or the changes that He brought.
Heavenly Father, soften our hearts for You and Your ways. Stop us in our tracks if we are straying so far from You that when you arrive-on-the-scene to touch us/heal us/correct us or others that we tell You to go away and leave (us) alone.
There are many examples of "tolerances"/"acceptances"/and "socially correct" stances that align us and our Nation with the people in the region who wanted Jesus to "get out" and to go away and leave them alone (Luke 8:37).
And just as they had grown comfortable/accepting-of/and learned-to-live-with the dark-behavior on the outskirts of their town, there is much in our Nation, but also in our own hearts and minds, that we have learned-to-accept but which cannot be described as being "possessed-by-Jesus".
And so we must ask ourselves who or what is possessing these thoughts and initiatives?
Our easy acceptance of sinful behaviors, our hardened hearts to what God designates as sin, and our progressive re-writing of human "natures" and definitions as if we were God, are not activities and lifestyles based on Jesus and His teachings.
Jesus loved the demon-possessed man enough to pursue him and free him from his tortured experience, even though the man (and his demons) fought Jesus: As soon as he saw Jesus, he shrieked and fell down in front of him. Then he screamed, “Why are you interfering with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? (Luke 8:28).
Jesus pursues us too. And He is pursuing our great Nation and the hearts of our people. Whether or not people have the awareness or desire to seek Jesus on their own is irrelevant to Him. He pursues us out of love anyway.
Many of the teachings/popular thought/and tolerances that people in the region today are pushing interfere with the teachings of the Bible, and that can annoy, frustrate and convict us at times. (Why are you interfering with me, Jesus? ~Luke 8:28). But our attitudes and popular opinion will not slow or impede God's pursuit of us. Thank goodness.
And Jesus will have victory. Many lament our society and Nation today, and wonder if there is hope. There is always hope when we have Jesus. And we have Him.
Demons, ungodly thoughts/beliefs/actions cannot prevail in the presence of Christ. Our Lord controls the angels and demons.
So Jesus gave them permission. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the entire herd plunged down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned. (Luke 8:32-33).
Jesus is in dominion over all things. This includes our hearts, our beliefs, our social acceptances and our Nation's future. Ungodly ideas/beliefs/acceptances cannot prevail in the presence of Christ. But are we seeking His presence?
Have you experienced the shock and awe and power of God lately?
Get in His presence! Let Him get into your presence/your time/your schedule/your day/your mind/and your heart today.
Clarity, sanity and peace will be the result.
People rushed out to see what had happened. A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had been freed from the demons. He was sitting at Jesus’ feet, fully clothed and perfectly sane, and they were all afraid. ~Luke 8:35
Don't be afraid of what Jesus can do in your life. Don't be afraid of what changes He can make within you.
Then those who had seen what happened told the others how the demon-possessed man had been healed. (37) And all the people in the region of the Gerasenes begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone, for a great wave of fear swept over them. ~Luke 8:36-37
And don't beg Jesus to go away and leave you alone.
If we have become accustomed-to/comfortable-with/and even accepting-of inappropriate and ungodly behavior and beliefs in our own "region" (and within ourselves) then it is time for us to get face to face with Jesus and be cleansed, and freed.
And you know the next part of the story, because Jesus always gives the same advice to His followers that have been changed by Him:
..."go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him.
If we've experienced the shock and awe and power of God--tell someone!
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