Corona Devo 468

Make vows to the Lord your God, and keep them.  Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.  ~Psalm 76:11

What does it mean to "Make vows to the Lord your God, and keep them"?  I picture a child standing at God's chalkboard-of-life rewriting the Ten Commandments (or some other passage of Scripture) over and over (and over) for eternity.  

But I don't think that is what God has in mind when He says to Make vows to the Lord your God, and keep them. 

What are our vows to the Lord?  

I think it depends on the day, the situation, and us being "quiet" enough in our spirit to "hear" them.  God lays people, tasks, ideas and efforts on our hearts (as vows to Him), and then it is up to us to keep them.  

It might be speaking up for God, in a room, group, or culture where He is purposely being pushed aside.  Or it may not be speaking at all: silently comforting another with a listening ear or kind eyes as they become vulnerable in sharing their heart or struggles.

Our "vow" might be seeing someone in need, from a neighbor shoveling mulch to a handicapped person struggling with a door.  And if we can get serious about emptying ourselves of us, then we open the door of our hearts to be filled up with God and then we can sense and feel when the Lord lays a "vow" on our heart.  And when He does, let's keep them.


Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.  ~Psalm 76:11

What is our "tributeto the Awesome One?  It's not the money that we toss in the collection plate at church, because that can be dropped and forgotten.  And our tribute is not just getting our bum into a pew on Sunday mornings, and then walking away unchanged for another six days.  Our money and religious routines do not matter to God.  The condition of our heart in relation to them does.  And if our heart is in relationship with Jesus, then our outpourings become tributes to Him. 

Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.  ~Psalm 76:11

For the mom nurturing and caring for her sick or injured child.  Encouraging and at times re-inventing a new reality because the "old one" has been altered---this mom's tribute to God is her creative love during a trying season.

For the woman whose career path was specific and solidified until the world changed and she did too.  Everything she once desired has shifted, and by perseverance and resilience, and the miracle of Himself, God spouted a new career desire and opportunity in her heart.  Unprecedented and intimidating and awesome: this is her new tribute to God, and in trust and dependence on Him, let her bring it to the Awesome One.

For the child who grew up in church and went to private school because her parents wanted her to learn God's ways.  But His ways were overlooked in her parents marriage and now she bounces from one house to the other per custody agreements.  Her world has been rocked, but not her faith.  Her heart still resonates with the peace of her Heavenly Father, even in the midst of life turbulence.  One day at a time, one foot in front of the other, a pre-teen handling brokeness that she doesn't deserve: her smile is her tribute, and let her bring it to the Awesome One.  The gifts, skills, personality and light that bubble from her are her tribute to God.  Let her bring them to the Awesome One.

The dutiful son or daughter caring for their aging parent.  Trips to the store and lunches out, doctors appointments and picking up endless prescriptions, and just being there because no one else takes the time.  This is their tribute to God.  Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.  ~Psalm 76:11

The beaten down husband and father and man-of-God, doing his best to maintain.  Marriage or lack-thereof.  Children (tiny or adult).  Faith (This "Manual" is difficult to understand and even harder to live out!).  One day at a time, and only in God's grace--His tribute to God is his fresh attempt each day to make this work and to emulate Christ as he tries.  Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.  ~Psalm 76:11 

You.  Your story.  Your sacrifices.  Your dedication and responsibility.  Your love and grace to others.  This is your tribute to God.  Keep on keeping on.  Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.  ~Psalm 76:11 

Our vows and tributes are unique, and can change daily, but they will always have root in God and glorifying Him.  Today, Make vows to the Lord your God, and keep them.  Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One. (Psalm 76:11).





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