Corona Devo 496

When using "the crowd" as an influencer to get my parents' permission for something, I remember repeatedly receiving the same response over and over from my mom: "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you also?"  

Maybe your parents gave you the same line after you had begged, "But, So-and-So is allowed to do  it...!"

Heck, today we probably can't even use that line ("jump off a bridge") as a comeback to our children because it might "influence them negatively" or plant a harmful idea in their head.  But I think my mom was on to something, and the Bible has its own rephrasing of the same idea: 

The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.  ~Proverbs 13:20

We must choose to be able to think for ourselves and make wise decisions.  Succumbing to participation against our better judgement or being coerced/guilted/pleaser-mentality-ed into it is not the path our mom's wanted us to take.  It's also not the one Jesus advises.

...a companion of fools will suffer harm.  ~Proverbs 13:20

"Fools" can come in all shapes, sizes, ages, and disguises.  Let's reassess our "people" and relationships:  Who are we choosing as "companions" and are we at risk of harm if we hang with them?  

The "What can it hurt?" crowd and the "Just this once" group often become participants in situations that could have been avoided with wisdom and can easily be summed up as "foolish".  I have stories to verify the truth of this "If-Then Statement", and I am sure you do too.  What sounds good "in the moment" or when we are in-the-mob (of fools) often turns out to be quite a foolish decision and a companion of fools will suffer harm ( Proverbs 13:20).

The "suffer harm" part has been the best teacher for me.  After repeatedly having your feelings/safety/mental or spiritual health injured...a flag has to pop up in our heart defending our well-being.  God's Word might be your flag today.

Are there situations, people, or relationships that repeatedly cause us to suffer harm when we enter into them?  If we keep getting burned, then at some point we need to stop walking into the fire and being a companion of fools.  

If we're human, we've all been a companion of fools from time to time, but today God us calling is to His wisdom and to walk with the wise.  

Let's stop jumping off that bridge.

The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.  ~Proverbs 13:20




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