Corona Devo 660
There is an expectation in our hearts today. There is a weariness too. It's been a year. A couple years, actually. A couple long years. A couple fearful years. A couple previously unimaginable years. A couple dividing years. A couple life-changing years. But worry, what-if's, division, and fear should not be what define our years, nor our hearts. Man-kind has always had questions and struggles, but we also have always had the Answer and Hope. God created the world with order and meaning and He sent His Son to live and then (even) die for us, and for our peace. God's purpose was to bring peace and hope to our chaos. ( “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:33) . Today we wait in expectation for a new Year and what's next , just as so many have before us . In 1744 Charles Wesley wro...