Corona Devo 691
The truth is: We don't face today alone. God is with us and He will never leave us. That's the truth. But we must be willing to accept and receive His truth , even when the crowds (in our mind or in our lives) are shouting otherwise. The conversation that Jesus had with His disciples soon before He was crucified is one that He wants to have with us today: “ If you love me, obey my commandments. ~John 14:15 We do love Him (Jesus), don't we? We love His acceptance of us. We love His forgiveness of our sin. We love His promise of salvation to those who believe in Him, and we love the sacrifice He made for us to receive that gift. Yes, we love Him. So... “If you love me, obey my commandments . ~John 14:15 Read through God's Word. The Bible is long, but we have every day of the rest of our lives to chew on it in bite-size pieces. God doesn't expect us to swallow the whole thing at once. Read a verse , choose a chapter, and read God's Word today. ...