Corona Devo 691
The truth is: We don't face today alone.
God is with us and He will never leave us. That's the truth. But we must be willing to accept and receive His truth, even when the crowds (in our mind or in our lives) are shouting otherwise.
The conversation that Jesus had with His disciples soon before He was crucified is one that He wants to have with us today:
“If you love me, obey my commandments. ~John 14:15
We do love Him (Jesus), don't we?
We love His acceptance of us. We love His forgiveness of our sin. We love His promise of salvation to those who believe in Him, and we love the sacrifice He made for us to receive that gift. Yes, we love Him.
“If you love me, obey my commandments. ~John 14:15
Read through God's Word. The Bible is long, but we have every day of the rest of our lives to chew on it in bite-size pieces. God doesn't expect us to swallow the whole thing at once. Read a verse, choose a chapter, and read God's Word today. We will begin obeying God's commandments as we come to know and understand them. So, take a baby step toward walking with Him today.
But even as we get-to-know His commandments, they are hard to keep because we are weak.
We need the help. The good news is...He's thought of that already...
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. (17) He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. ~John 14:16-17
We can't do this alone. (Can I get an "Amen"?)
God bless those of you still trying to do it in your own, on second thought, God has blessed those of us who have realized that we cannot do it in our own strength. God has blessed all of us with an Advocate...He's given us the Holy Spirit.
Grab ahold of the truth about the Holy Spirit nestled in this verse: He will never leave you.
Once we've asked Jesus into our heart, He comes, (in the form of the Holy Spirit) and He never leaves us. Not after we sin, not after we fail, not after we disappoint, not after we...anything.
...he will give you (an) Advocate, who will never leave you. ~John 14:16
And then that last phrase (He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. ~John 14:17) is tucked quietly on to the end of this verse, but it's meaning defines the relationship we have with God, Jesus (His Son), and the Holy Spirit. (God gave us the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth.)
Isn't it the truth that we really want? Isn't it the truth that we are seeking through this facade that we face and fake each day?
And yet, here is Jesus telling us today through the words of the Bible that He has asked the Father...and God answered by giving us the Holy Spirit, and not only will He never leave you, but He will also lead (us) into all truth (John 14:16-17).
Truth is what we all seek.
The trouble is, when we stray from God's commandments, we create our own truths.
Look around. Have we realized that?
Pilate realized that. While the crowds outside Pilate's window chanted "Crucify him!" (about Jesus), Pilate stood face to face with Jesus whom he could find no fault in, and so Pilate had to wrestle with the truth. The truth of his elected position. The truth of his social acceptance. The truth of his moral duty. The truth of the comforts he had become accustomed to in this position.
Jesus told Pilate, "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37), but Pilate chose to listen to everyone on the other side of truth instead.
May we be stronger.
When the un-truths of this world bind us, gag us, threaten us, handicap us...let us remember and be strengthened and be informed by the truth of what Jesus asked and what God gave...Himself! In the form of the Holy Spirit.
I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. (17) He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. ~John 14:16-17
So, take a baby step toward walking with Him today because when we stray from God's commandments, we create our own truths.
But we love Him, so we will obey (“If you love me, obey my commandments. ~John 14:15)
God is with us and He will never leave us. That's the truth. But we must be willing to accept and receive His truth, even when the crowds (in our mind or in our lives) are shouting otherwise.
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